Upskirt pics
Let this serve as a warning. I am going to make you sick of Jezebel Madd, if that is possible. Here is the first part of a morning with this exuberant being shot in small-town Pennsylvania. She had to clean her car out due to something spilling in the backseat. I couldn't help but photograph the process. I pride myself on always staying productive. Then, we got some breakfast and walked around exploring the neighborhood. Part two tomorrow.
Here is the second part of my idyllic morning with Jezebel. There will be a part three that continues in her bedroom, but that will drop much later. Don't worry. It will be worth the wait. And remember, I am always available to photograph your beautiful wild friendloversistercousinmother whenever she is ready to be admired by thousands. Have a great weekend.
Back when I was growing up, being weird was a lot easier than it is now. These days, tattooing your eyeballs or going out dressed up as a raccoon will barely even register as being odd. But hey, I can dig it. I am comfortable with the new generations and their new ways. I don't expect traditional ideas of normal when a performative virtualized existence meets legalized psychotropics. Venus is a unique blend of this new world with loads of classic natural beauty. Moar to come.
Girls are like pizza. If you haven't had any in a while, it sounds like an irresistible treat. Once you do get some, you have to take it slow. If you rush, you could end up hurting yourself pizza mouth. One slice, Ooh baby. Another, yum. Another, yessir. Another, I'm starting to get full. Another, I really shouldn't. Another, I need a break. See, exactly like pizza. You either know or you will learn. I'll add a bonus video tomorrow. Reina Rae is tasty. update didn't find much video from this day.
Back in Venice with River Lynn. Today, someone asked me if I plan to attend one of the annual adult conventions in LA this month. Unfortunately, no. In fact, networking and making friends has never been my thing. My sole purpose for the last decade-plus has been finding brave and beautiful women, like River, for Zishy. Zishy is my master. I only serve her. You might shake my hand and look me in the eye and feel some sort of human connection. But you are mistaken. I assure you that I am only partially present. Most of me is occupied contemplating my next muse, my next adventure.
The bad news Victoria Minina's run as a model on Zishy has come to an end. The good news this is a two part-set with Victoria in her prime, at home, in beautiful natural lighting. Everything lined up perfectly for me on this day. I hope that you, Vika, and I all have more days like this to look forward to. Oh and the great news Joss doesn't get a bunch of free advertising in part 2.
This remarkable woman is back to grace us with a new hair color. I just can't get over how photogenic Vonnie Bean's face is. I bet she could have won a few beauty pageants when she was growing up. I was also an adorable child. I worked the pageant circuit for a few seasons, but then I fell in love with Captain Crunch and those cheddar biscuits from Red Lobster. Extra pounds came on quick. Eventually, Mommy said my ass was too flabby for the little sailor outfit she made me. It broke my heart, but hey, beauty isn't everything. Anyways, enjoy Vonnie.
Here is contestant number 8 from the challenge that I ran last year. I got to meet up with Onna Metcalf in San Diego. She is quiet, but I like quiet. I wonder which of our last two American presidents would do a better job in my occupation. Would they be competent? Creative? Coherent? I am so proud of our country. God bless.
Here's a little bonus Maddie Crump for you. I thought I had some video from this day to share with you, but I seem to have been mistaken. Don't fret, I'll be back sometime this weekend with more Zish. Smooches.
Hey, guys. Back on this beautiful Friday with a follow-up to Venus' most recent update. This woman is magnificent. She might have a few extra pounds, but this is Texas and we don't worry ourselves about a few extra pounds. Are you happy, pleasant to be around, and can you mind your own goddamn business? Those things are more important to us. But seriously, Venus is a sweetheart and loyal to her man. Even if I WASN'T smitten with her curvy figure, I'd still consider her a catch.
Lila Love makes her Zishy debut with a playful and tempting dance to one of my recent favorite bands. Supposedly, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is being pushed hard by the YouTube algo. That's what my buddy says, anyways. I appreciate The Gizz because they take many chances creatively. Their music often feels like a throwback to more melodic times, but it can also be quite diverse and unpredictable. More Lila to come. She's an exceptionally fun hang and I got persistence.
Damn, Zach. It is hella cool that you made this job for yourself. I go to work everyday, dreading existence. I have begun a gradual process of poisoning myself. As part of my daily routine, I take a dropper of hydrochloric acid and give my coffee a generous squirt. I started out only adding a drop or two, but over the past few weeks I have built up to a much higher dose. The tummy tingle is an oddly pleasant sensation. Anyways, let me know if you ever need an assistant or something, it could be a real gamechanger for me. If not, I totally understand. Perhaps you could at least introduce me to Maddie Crump. Thanks in advance. -George Tipcorn
It is supposed to rain today and we could definitely use it, but if it doesn't, I am not going to worry myself. Somehow the universe always provides, like it did here with Hannah Tarley. She is a sweet person possessing a delicate beauty that is hard to find elsewhere. I can guarantee that you will not see her on other sites, if that is important to you. In this day and age, it requires an insane amount of work to discover natural gems like Hannah. But, my grandpa always said my grandma was a gold digger, so I guess mining is in mah blood. Stay hopeful.
Moon and I also had some fun with a UV light. Here's part two from that memorable evening. There will be more of Moon in the future. Don't fret.
I brought these two friends to a 'secret' spot along the river. Moon had to twist Suzie's arm a bit to join in on the fun. With a location like this, on a day like this, I can imagine how hard it was for Suzie to refuse. Perhaps free will truly is an illusion. Perhaps our lives are novels that we simply find ourselves in the middle of. Regardless of our choices and desires, the plot will unfold as written. We are not in control. More from this magical setting eventually. That is the plan, anyway.
Let's start off this month with some Thanksgiving leftovers. Here is extra content that I had from her last set. Yes, I know, life is hard. You must suffer through more of the ultra-appealing and charismatic Kayla Coyote. I feel for you, I really do. But if there is one thing that I have learned from over a decade of running this site it is to never underestimate my audience. You can do it! Are you AmeriCANs or AmeriCUNTs? See you soon with a newbie.
"Introducing Jacie Verbena. I like her. She seems like she has a good time being photographed. Kudos to our contributor in Ukraine. Does your government ask your permission before sending its citizens to kill or die? Doubt it. War is dumb. Part 2 tomorrow."
"These two are a fun pair that Max captures for us in Kyiv. Rachel Veiss is the brunette and Beglie Skipper is the blonde. Guess there is way more than a goldmine of critical minerals in the region that might interest U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham. Poor Lindsey. He has said, ""I never found time to meet the right girl, or the right girl was smart enough not to have time for me."" If only he lived in Ukraine. Anyways, more from the bedroom coming soon. Don't fret."
Part two of my time with Daphne Dare and Cindy White. Good times. Don't let the bad times get you down. They are temporary as well.
This is more of a video-heavy update. Runtime is over 430 minutes for the bonus video. My sessions with Nadia Serbinenko taught me that if I ever come across a reason to smile, laugh or dance, I must not take it for granted. So when you see a young boy writhing in pain, clutching his stomach, yelling, Get it out! Get it out of me!, because he took your ghost pepper challenge, you owe it to yourself to yuck it up. Life is too short, my dudes.
Lisa, our contributor from Russia, discovered Olga Cee in a small town outside of Perm. Since this shoot, they have become devoted partners and adopted seven small children from Suriname. Their story is inspirational and proves that true love overcomes all odds. This holiday season, catch the heartwarming movie, Teacup Swap, which tells the tale of their unlikely romance. Only on the Hallmark Channel. Be well. Time for my meds.
Another part two, this time of the all-natural, all-desirable Reina Rae. As you see, I had many extra photos of her from the day that just needed to be shared. There is also some 'xtra' content. Reina is another athletic specimen. She wrestled in high school and participates in BJJ. I was in speech and debate because I dreamed of becoming a politician. Hey, close enough.
I couldn't keep this video footage of Hannah all to myself. Runtime approximately 4 minutes. Be back soon with more great content.
Let me introduce you to Sunny Radford. She is a college student in Texas who felt like she deserves a few added benefits for paying such high tuition. We decided to utilize her campus as a backdrop and take some cheeky photos. Fortunately, all that money they take in doesn't go towards top-notch security. But I am sure the dean's pockets are staying well-padded. Happy Saturday.
So what happened is that I recently joined a cult. The leader, Cornelius, tells me that my photography is exceptional and that I should not be giving it all away for as little as I was. He had me increase prices for Zishy in order to up my contribution to the communal fund. Some of you hate me for it, but Master has spoken. What I am mostly bummed about is how my wife and teenage daughters are required to attend Master's night-long private lectures on Wednesdays and Saturdays. But as it is written, if sacrifice was easy, it would not be called sacrifice.
It has been a minute since I uploaded a Zishtok. I needed someone like Agos Firenze to remind me how special they are. Miley Cyrus was not on my musical radar up until Agos sent me this video. Now I am a Smiler for life. Could you imagine the sacrifices that any of us would make in order to be with such a woman? I'd start making my bed in the morning. I'd shut off my phone by 8pm. I'd even start using deodorant again. Having someone like Agos could be very dangerous. It could alter my entire identity. But if given the chance, I doubt any of us would pass up the opportunity. More of Agos from Argentina come.
"I have many regrets about my younger days. Mostly they stem from wasting time on stupid shit like TV, movies, video games, spectator sports, etc. I should have focused more energy on developing useful skills like skateboarding, running scams, speaking Mandarin or explosive-making. It took me a while, but I finally realized that in order to get anything meaningful out of life, I needed to become a hunter. No one was going to give me the rabbits of this world. I had to learn how to catch them for myself. I hope you know how to get yours."
"This update starts off with Lissa Mendez looking serious, to be honest, possibly even a little pissed. Gradually, we see her loosen up in front of our eyes. That million dollar smile reemerges, and all is right again in the universe. I don't know the entire story behind it, but along with you, I look forward to downloading more information on Lissa in part two. Together we will get to the bottom of this. See ya tomorrow. Z"
Our tall, blonde ambassador in Los Angeles makes her return. Lina Telemann sees merit to both sides' claims in the conflict. Each party has blood on their hands. The past is ugly from any angle you look at it. What we need to focus on is the future. Is their a version of peace that includes the existence and safety for both Jimmy John AND Jersey Mike? Let's start there and move forward carefully. Stay hopeful. Bonus video tomorrow.
Stella Barry was sent down from the heavens to shoot with Anthony in Portland. I don't know how the lucky bastard found her, but he definitely did something right, whether it be here or in some past life. This is the first time Anthony faced his fears of shooting in such a public place for us. He was also concerned that the scratches from Stella's cat would ruin the photos for me. Scratches? Really? Where? All I have to say is thank you and Merry Christmas in July. More Stella to come.
Ever since I was a teenager, I have been jumping fences and sneaking into pools that I technically should have no access to. If that makes me a criminal, then I will remain one until I can no longer scale fences with ease. There's something extra refreshing and enjoyable about someone else's well-kept pool. This one here had trendy pop music playing for Ophelia's ears while we lounged. Ahhh, paradise.
Helga Amor returns with contributor Max. I think she is smoking hot and it wouldn't hurt to see her smile more. Then again, maybe shit isn't going well for her. Maybe she is worried about a global pandemic, climate change, the constant threat of nuclear annihilation, the rise of child suicide, the growing impoverished population, the incompetence from all forms of leadership, the death of intellect and hard work, the rise of terrorism foreign and domestic, the widespread sense of mental illness plaguing society. But also, Helga might just think it looks goofy to show too much emotion. Who knows?
"Here is part two of my adventure with Meadow Brink in Wisconsin. The truth is that Meadow was more affected by the cold than myself. Not sure how that is possible since she is native, but I guess it happens. While I was there, I noticed that snow, ice, and cold had lost their luster to the community. There's a point where it stops being fun and simply becomes a dreaded burden. Although I have spent more time with Meadow than most other models, this special woman has yet to lose her shine."
Sometimes people will ask what I do for a living and sometimes I will tell them that I just have fun. I have a feeling that most don't believe me. In actuality, I save lives. Namely, mine. If I didn't have this, I'd be stuck in some dead end job, eating like shit, hating everyone, counting down the days until the Big Sleep. Possibly, even thinking of potential 'shortcuts'. For this reason, I remain grateful to you, to the models, and to life in general. Moon and Suzie are of a rare breed.
"Our contributor in Colombia has this friend that is super photogenic but was dating this really jealous dickhead who would never share his gf with the internet. Vicky, the contributor, was able to capture these a while back, but had agreed not to use them until Maya's toxic relationship was over. Looks like we are in the clear now. Juan, find someone else to terrorize ... or grow up. My vote is for the latter. Part 2 very soon."
August is here. Can you believe it? The year flies by when you have a half-dead leader of the free world. He sort of reminds me of the grandpa from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Just kidding, that guy was cool. He preferred a hammer over drone strikes. Anyways, fuck politics. All I care about is that my family is relatively safe, I can obtain cannabis with ease, and that my life of photographing women, like Tyla Jessop, remains unhampered. Happy Sunday.
Erna O'Hara had a pair of Yeezys in her closet. I just couldn't resist. She says they are fine but prefers her Fila footwear. Erna, like so many her age, loves most things that are a throwback to the 90s. Personally, I also appreciate her nostalgia for the free-love, unshaven 60s. I blame my parents for letting me sleep on a waterbed throughout my adolescent years. Stay groovy.
Max our contributor from Kyiv not Kiev returns. He's been fighting on the frontlines so his contributions trickle in slowly excuses. Max discovered Francheska Parre serving as a military medic. In fact, she nursed him back to semi-functional health after suffering a traumatic injury. It was due to one of those drone attacks that you hear about all the time in the news. These 'innovative' food delivery methods should really be banned. Luckily it was only his left eye. Heal up, Max.
Our contributor, Alina, is back with her bendy friend, Lida Nowak. Flexibility is so underrated. Long, elastic muscles is what you want. They will prevent injury, improve range of motion, and even increase strength. I have a feeling that these pics of Lida are going to inspire a lot of folks to stretch and pull on parts of their body. Glad to be of service.
I completely understand. You have been jaded by all the liars on social media who filter and manipulate their images. You have been tricked into buying various items from Amazon wish lists. Your heart has learned the hard way about the 'liquify' feature in Photoshop. But I swear on your graves, there's none of that going on here. Vyeta Mustafina is unaltered in these photos and built this way naturally. Some Soviet engineering is quite impressive.
I am sick of waiting for my day to come. I am surrounded by skeletons covered in fat, sporting unoriginal personalities, and living on borrowed time. The one thing that gives me joy is meeting other genetic garbage that shares my disgust with these predicaments. I know it sounds absurd, but I am dying for one of them, or all of them, to rip apart my yoga pants, force open my hips, and enter-enter-enter me. Turn me into an airport urinal cake. Make me feel something. Anything. -Karine Jean-Pierre
Part two. Bonus video will be added here before I dream of Hazel tonight.
This year has been tough, but we've made it through. Now for the next challenge. I must remind myself that truth is everything, fear is the adversary, and patience is just as crucial as initiative. I also want to stay away from gluten because it makes me feel like a wet towel, but that is a different topic. Anyways, I hope you fuckers are stubborn like me and continue to give the finger to the sadistic gods that want to break our spirits. Luna Fey has some good taste, or at least it isn't typical.
Good luck tracking down more images of Zoe Aguilar elsewhere. She is an incredible find by a contributor in South America. Can you guess from which country? I will give you a hint. It is one that has recently experienced grotesque inflation of their national currency. Yeah, I know. That doesn't narrow it down much. Could be anywhere. Yet I remain an optimist. I am banking on people around the world eventually adopting the one answer that can resolve these economic woes Bitcoin. Only kidding, folks. That is trash. Money with a set supply that resides on computers? It'll never work. Let's stick with the time-honored solutions of uncapped fiat currency which also resides on computers and war. Be sensible.
Here is part two of Zishy contributormodel Vika's rendezvous with Arina Bik. Redheads like Arina are rare and precious gems, difficult to find in every region of the planet. Don't be smart and bring up Scotland, I'm not going there. I saw Braveheart. The place seems about as dangerous as Afghanistan. Too soon? I have never been good at making decisions
Here's more Kels. Some of you might not like the lighting or the silly faces or whatever. All I can say is, OOPS! Maybe you have a really old monitor, maybe dark people are just, hmm how do I put this, dark? And maybe you take life too seriously. Now, why would you want to go and do something like that? Turn up the love. Peace, fellas.
"I know what you are thinking. ""OMG, she's adorable!"" See, I told ya. That was my exact reaction, too. Gabriella Noren's thick curls and speck-tacular freckles send me to the moon. We encountered dark skies, rain, and pre-flight anxiety during these photos, but we were tenacious and managed to hodge-podge an exciting update. Expect more of this unique beauty."
Part two of Maddie Crump's finale has arrived. This SoCal beauty sleeps with a kitchen knife next to her, so no funny ideas, fellas. Maddie's botched spray tan, fried hair, and mouthful of orthodontics might also dissuade some, but I doubt most. I will add an extra of her soon. Sleep tight.
Waking up can be a pain in the butt. It does help if you have a helping hand. Kat Keen has some of the comfiest pajamas that I have ever seen. They are super convenient to slip on or off or pull to side, strangle someone withjk. What more could you ask from sleepwear? Hope you got a good start to your day as well. Keep those batteries charged.
"I took a lot of photos of Penelope Kay in the mountains near Flagstaff and I think they're pretty, as she is too, so I'm gonna share them here on the site. I hope you're okay with that. Part two will drop tomorrow. Probably along with an xtra. I appreciate your attention and support. I wish all of my customers health and wealth this holiday season. Everyone else can suck a pine cone."
Here is our finale with two Colombians that could blow the socks off of any hombre. I am glad that our contributor, Viky, was able to spend ample time with Rosa and Zaheera. My goal was to do justice to these young women's natural beauty and authentic friendship. It took a few tries, but it was worth the extra pesos. By the way, I'm not going to be wearing a mask again any time soon. So just go ahead and cancel or crucify me now. Thanks.
Part two has arrived. Dorothy Channing is twenty years old and managing a restaurant. She wants to dump that gig and sell Lambo's at a dealership. Too many dickhead customers at her current job and even some ass-grabbing. Weak men lead to hard times. Hope it all works out for her. She was a hoot. See you soon!
On the internet, she goes by the the name 'Bubble Butt Venus'. I just call her 'Wonderful' because I feel it describes her more accurately and it applies to her looks and personality. Some of you might think it was the alcohol, but no, Venus is just naturally this kinky and comfortable with her sexuality. She aims to please and rarely misses her target. Bonus video will be added soon.
Kelsey and Dee were going to be in Atlanta for a few days working on a music video. I had never been to Georgia, so I figured it would be a great excuse for me to visit 'Black Hollywood' if they'd agree to a Zishy adventure. Kelsey is the one with the darker complexion. Dee, the lighter. The weather was chilly and the day was short, but these two beautiful Americans were a fun duo to photograph. And yes, the last three images are meant to imply there is more to come.
"I could badmouth this cosmic babe plenty, but why would I want to waste my time focusing on the negative? There is so much to appreciate and be amazed by with Gia Ohmy. She gave me an exciting fashion show upon her arrival. Take a seat and enjoy her seat."
Today, I bring you a video digest of my time with Katya Nesterova. It reminds me how playful and adventurous she is. Katya had every reason to treat me like the clumsy, oblivious foreigner that I am whilst in Russia, yet she never gave me a hint of attitude. For this, I pray that Xenu will bless her soul. The other day on the 'gram, I saw that Katya recently became a mother. Life moves pretty fast ...
"I like Luci Pineda. She reminds me of this really sweet girl I used to know. I should have given her a chance, but I was too distracted by street ballin' and the rap game. Now that I have made more paper than I can spend and courted an endless list of thirsty bitches, I think I'm ready for someone like Luci. Someone who is going to slow life down for me. I have learned that the word 'love' is an empty container, only filled by kindness towards others and most importantly, towards ourselves. -Horst Simco"
Hey, guys! Today I want to announce my re-retirement from photography. I just discovered the effectiveness of AI for creating art, so I will be relying on that moving forward. You might think I actually traveled to and photographed the beautiful Zoey Luna, but no, you would be dead wrong. I simply asked HAL 9000 to generate 68 teasy photos of a sexual Australian woman with red hair, petite breasts and a perfectly round rump. This set of images is what he spat out. Well, I am impressed. Sadly, AI is very costly, so I still need you to fork over subscription fees. I truly appreciate the support. Now open the doors, HAL.
Part two of Angel Youngs' most recent update. Sometimes I am punctual. Mostly I am not. If Angel was a moment, she'd be that time you were drinking with your buddies in high school and you didn't give yourself a chance to overthink it, you said fuck-it and attempted a backflip for the first time. Go, Angel!
Shyla Volbeck has returned to give it one last go at Zishy. Part two will follow shortly. Shyla is exceptional among the exceptional. I had a friend present when I photographed Shyla. She was baffled. I can't believe what is going on, she's so amazing. Yeah, that pretty sums up my experience with Shyla. I know this one is a bit soft for all you skin-cravers, but don't worry. We will make up for it.
Part two cuz I love you. Just kidding. I don't even know you. But I do appreciate you supporting my work.
"I asked ChatGPT to tell me a joke about crazy women. Here's what it said: I think it’s best to keep jokes respectful and inclusive. Then I asked it to tell me one about crazy men and without hesitation it gave me some lame anecdote unfit for my standards. The point is that AI has both a bias and a poor sense of humor. Maybe that is our future--a humorless one. We will walk on eggshells around everyone so as not to offend or hurt feelings. Damn, I miss the 90s. Enjoy today's crazy lady."
Michele James will go down as one of the best women to have ever soaked in this bathtub. And I'm pretty sure it has seen a few. It is hard not to photograph a woman bathing when you have access to a tub like this. The natural light varied between ideal and awful, which explains a few of the grainier photos. Just the same, Michele's captivating figure is a subject that demands perseverance. I am throwing in a great pic at the end that her lucky boyfriend snapped. Not bad, my dude. Bet that cheesecake was worth every penny. Bonus video tomorrow.
Hey gang. I'm traveling and photographing two wonderful women in Arizona this weekend. Sorry for the delay. I'll post a shower video from this slippery update of Ira Sedina within the next 48 hours. Ira isn't the most outwardly expressive, but if you're like me, you didn't notice that because you were too distracted by her beauty. Talk soon. Z
Susanna Torres is brought to us by our contributor in Venezuela. Bobby only had to send one photo of this beauty to sell me on Susanna's potential. Her long dark hair, sleek figure, and desirable face made me an instant believer. Thank goodness I still held onto some Bitcoin from my Silk Road days. It is the only way to send money to Venezuela for such a special opportunity. There is more of Susanna in our future.
Even though it is currently winter in Argentina, I had our contributor bust out a new update of Agos Firenze. I have felt guilty about cruelly introducing her earlier this year in an epic dance video, but never following up with a photo set. Well, today your patience is rewarded. Here is Agos taking us on a shopping adventure in Buenos Aires and then baring all while back at home. Don't waste your time or life seeking thrills at the bottom of the ocean. The good shit is up here. Peace.
Venice Beach is a place that I have been visiting since I was a child. We used to drive up from Texas, back when it was legal, I assume, to let your children bump around in the back of a flatbed truck without wearing a seatbelt. We came for the colorful graffiti, the smell of burning sage and cannabis, the street performers and bodybuilders thirsty for attention, the grungy style of skaters, the shitty food and gimmicky souvenir t-shirts. The beach is decent, but that isn't why you go to Venice. You go to be entertained by humanity. You go to see people like Lina Telemann.
The sands on this beach are only outnumbered by the kisses which I want to grace on your divine body. The warm sun erases all of our flesh and leaves bare two souls, in love, destined to persist into the far reaches of space and time, melded together. Heaven has come so suddenly and completely and has replaced the lonely life I once knew, never to return. Each new day only brings magic and wonder over you, my sweet angel. You are my breath. Now spill that golden rain over me and let me taste the promised kingdom of Abraham.
My lawyer told me that I should not claim your subscription to Zishy will help bring the price of BTC back over 60K, nor will it curb the dangerous exponential growth of the squirrel population, so I won't say any of that nonsense. All I will say is that it helps me bring you more and more incredible women like Katya Nesterova for your enjoyment to the very screen you are staring at right now. These evil devices steal away more eyeball time than the sweet faces of our own children. Let's make our demise worthwhile. Happy Monday, cyber-junkies!
Giulia Wylde has returned, just like that stubborn old virus. I felt we needed a booster shot of this incredible woman. I must confess that Giulia is not a fan of my photography. Perhaps the images are too raw, too unrefined for her personal preference. Well, she is right. My world is a mess and I am too impatient to tie a bow around it. The last thing I need in this nightmare simulation is more fabricated nonsense. My family is the only thing that keeps me sane. They are wonderful. Oh, and pizza. Enjoy the real Giulia. Ta ta.
Sorry for the delay on the notes. I was busy yesterday spending time with my kid's gymnastics coach. She is damn cute and considering whether or not to shoot for Zishy. That opportunity is all I can think about right now. Jade Baker does serve as a pleasant distraction, but it will be short-lived. This is Jade's grand finale. On to the next. Jesus, forgive me.
As a sign of solidarity, I have decided to revoke access to Mr. Putin's account here on Zishy. I know how he loves my work, but unfortunately his senility has caused too much suffering for the people of Ukraine and to those of his own country. I plead to all of my audience to reserve judgment of Russians. Seeing past decades of propaganda is a tall order. Even with that being said, most of Russia was shocked by its president's decision to invade Ukraine. These people are also scared, angry, and fucked. This war is yet another perfect example of why unchecked power should never be granted to any of us. Tyranny is out, baby. Here's Sofi Levchenko photographed for Zishy by Alina in Ukraine.
"Daphne Dare invites us into her quiet, pink chambers for this intimate session. Her room is filled with all things girly, including a cat, sewing machine, countless stuffies, a large bottle of coconut rum, and mandatory massage wand. I could tell right away that this was her safe space, its own little world that she doesn't regularly share with just anyone. Thanks, Daphne. Part 2 tomorrow."
Bianca Bell returns and I am glad. It is hard to find women like her, with her naturally generous curves, a photogenic face, full of smiles and devoid of shame. That is why I told my team in Ukraine to continue working with Bianca and I could continue sending them satoshis. I only spend my bitcoin when I absolutely have to. Bianca is a worthy cause in my book. Thanks, Max and BB. Stay safe.
"Here we have over six and a half minutes of video with the ridiculous Samadhi Amour. She dances, shakes, and strips for all humanity to admire. I wager that this experience will travel to the far reaches of the internet for generations to come, as it should. I want my great grandchildren to behold Samadhi's beauty. And try to relax, this isn't the last you and I will be seeing of her."
Please try not to view this set through a political lens. Disha and Alevtina are simply two young women trying to enjoy a few thrills before the planet melts into its nearest star. I am super grateful for the opportunity to travel the world and document beauty and adventure. You subscribers make all of this possible. Remember, no matter where you live, the people in power are lying to you. There is a better way, The New Way. More of this incredible pair to come.
Beba Lopez is back by the way of Bobby in Venezuela, our tragic contributor. Sometimes I want to strangle Bobby. He will often show me his projects that he is working on. The color correction is completely unnatural, the ideas are clich, there is little-to-no personality. But every now and then, Bobby comes through with a find like Beba. In those instances, he is only mildly irritating. Girls like Beba will always reel me back in and convince me to give photographers like Bobby another chance. We all have our weaknesses. By the way, I made a late addition of a bonus video to the previous update. Might add one here if I can piece together something decent from the footage that Bobby delivered. Check back tomorrow.
Hello, everyone. Just because Zishy is rated the number one internet site by the Douglas Peabody Foundation, doesn't mean that I can afford to send myself into space. No, I am a simple man of simple means. My only plans for the future are to explore the bottom of the oceans with a robotic submarine. While I'm working on that, I might have more people like Andy, our Colombian contributor, photograph women like Yma Pallete. Hope that's cool. See you soon.
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1000s accidental actress amateur asian ass babe beach beautiful bikini blonde blouse bra bride brides brunette busty butt cameltoe camera candid captured caught celebrity celebs charming chick cute dancing demonstrating downblouse dress drunk erotic expose exposing fishnet flash flashing french gadget gallery gals getting girl girls gorgeous hot hunter jeans lady legs lingerie looking luxurious melons milf mini naked nasty naughty nice nipples nips nude panties pantyhose park party peep peeping photo picture pink posing pussy sexy shaved shots shows sitting skirt sniper spy stockings teases teen thong tight tits topless upblouse upskirt view voyeur voyeured walk washing watch wind women