Upskirt pics
"Saturday night! Woo hoo! Tonight, I'm gonna smoke some weed with my Latino brothers and watch live competitive violence. It looks like the summer fever finally broke. Finally in places like Vegas, they have days under 100F. Here in the Southwest, fall comes with a long sigh of relief. I know that looking forward at the next few months fills some of you with pure dread. But I assure you, there's no reason to stress, because there is nothing that can be done. We lost our opportunity decades ago. Our only option is to kick back and watch the shit show unfold. Exercise delirious laughter. -HW"
"Introducing Jacie Verbena. I like her. She seems like she has a good time being photographed. Kudos to our contributor in Ukraine. Does your government ask your permission before sending its citizens to kill or die? Doubt it. War is dumb. Part 2 tomorrow."
"Some say it is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission. I suggest you go without asking for either altogether. And yeah, maybe Miki Pedangen never reveals everything for us, but her beauty remains a spectacle to behold. Here she is teasing the socks off everyone at a café with only a slip of a dress on, and later taking us to her flat to give our hair-down-there-loving audience a treat. What do you say? Should I post more of Miki in this sheer black fit? Get my IG follower count up to 3K and it's a deal."
"Here is part one of our finale with Sybil Kuechler. She is such a great partner for this type of work. She only knows how to give her true self to the camera. Sybil is also a solid competitor at table tennis, but I had to show her that, like in all things, there are levels to this game. Part two this weekend."
"As friendly and agreeable as Valery Ponce appears to be in photos, I know that deep down she likely is full of drama. My uncle who has three daughters and who has been married three times, once told me that all women are crazy. No ifs, ands, or buts. He is certainly biased, yet my experience with the opposite sex has been similar. Before you get offended, please understand that I don't think that men are trouble-free. The truth is, I am indifferent towards men. If they are drama, I can ignore them. Women on the other hand, I simply cannot ignore. It isn't in my power. I will add a bonus video and xtra of Valery soon."
"I had an appointment with my kid's teacher today. She is a sweet person. Very intelligent. She reads poetry, spends a lot of time in nature, LOVES classical music—mostly Mozart, but I can look past that, and even enjoys the occasional glass of wine on the weekends. Anyhoo, my child's education is very important to me, so I insisted that Ms. Thompson meet me after school hours to discuss further. She agreed. Wish me luck."
"Hello, Monday! Here is the first part of our finale with Tasia Loomer. I can always count on Alina, our contributor, to bring images with raw energy and personality. She forgot to bring bubble bath to Tasia's apartment, but luckily nature has supplied Tasia with plenty of her own. Part 2 tomorrow with video."
"Sometimes contributors will ask me what type of models I am interested in. I usually answer, the type of women that a rich man would leave his family for. I think Sofi Levchenko qualifies. I am probably with most of you who do not appreciate the mess made with Activia, but whatever. I can deal. There is very little that I wouldn't put up with for Sofi. Full video update gets added tomorrow."
"These two are a fun pair that Max captures for us in Kyiv. Rachel Veiss is the brunette and Beglie Skipper is the blonde. Guess there is way more than a goldmine of critical minerals in the region that might interest U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham. Poor Lindsey. He has said, ""I never found time to meet the right girl, or the right girl was smart enough not to have time for me."" If only he lived in Ukraine. Anyways, more from the bedroom coming soon. Don't fret."
"Camila Gomez, naked, in heels, with her tall and slender form is a vision that makes me believe in poetry. I begin to understand the delicate harmony of the universe. So much of the noise and chaos that distracts me, constantly, is counter-balanced by a beauty which commands my total focus. This is what kings will gladly bend their knees to. Okay, probably a bit much. But she sure is fetching."
"Yet another natural wonder that joins us from South America. Welcome Faith Valles to the Zishy fam. Let's see how many goobers complain about her ink or piercings. I am banking on not very many. Whatever they eat in this region, we need to import more of it up here to the States. Get to work, RFK Jr!"
"Here's part two as promised. The video that I have of Tasia Loomer totals to about 12 minutes, so I'm posting the second half as a 'soft' xtra. The first five minutes are below. Tasia is so damn naturally sweet and adorable with a delectable figure. I have the feeling you won't be finding her anywhere else on the internet. Thanks for supporting some of the most authentic smut this planet has to offer."
"I have many regrets about my younger days. Mostly they stem from wasting time on stupid shit like TV, movies, video games, spectator sports, etc. I should have focused more energy on developing useful skills like skateboarding, running scams, speaking Mandarin or explosive-making. It took me a while, but I finally realized that in order to get anything meaningful out of life, I needed to become a hunter. No one was going to give me the rabbits of this world. I had to learn how to catch them for myself. I hope you know how to get yours."
"This update starts off with Lissa Mendez looking serious, to be honest, possibly even a little pissed. Gradually, we see her loosen up in front of our eyes. That million dollar smile reemerges, and all is right again in the universe. I don't know the entire story behind it, but along with you, I look forward to downloading more information on Lissa in part two. Together we will get to the bottom of this. See ya tomorrow. Z"
"She is young but serious. Happy but furious. Fragile but strong. Much of Russia is filled with a new generation that has been crushed by the mistakes of its inept leadership. Here in the West, we have some things better, but it increasingly seems that we are headed the exact same direction. ""The duty of youth is to challenge corruption."" — Kurt Cobain"
"Alli Chandler says she is into Britney Spears. Hell, she even owns one of her t-shirts. I could not resist the Zishtok opportunity. I believe this update of Alli's is gonna create a few more Britney fans around the globe. Both 'Toxic' and Alli are 22 years old. Wild."
"Vonnie Bean has features that set my world on fire. After we went out for tacos in Scottsdale, I proposed that we capture some photographs in a bubble bath. You know, only for the sake of being thorough. How could we possibly live without ever seeing Vonnie bathe? She was kind enough to accept and even removed the metal tchotchkes from her nipples. Creamy alabaster beans for the win!"
"Finding women like Rae Frederickson and treating them well and making them feel comfortable is a real talent. Our contributor, Anthony, has a knack for it up in Portland. Only problem is that he tends to fall off the radar for long stretches. If you or someone you know has the chops, and is willing to take some guidance, drop me an email. As I get older, I want to share the joy of this creative, thrilling occupation. The wife also thinks I need to spend more time with her and the seven kids. Oh, spare me."
"Oddly enough, one of the things that I like about Sybil Kuechler is that she doesn't try to be likable. She seems very comfortable with who she is. Having a strong desire to be liked is an abhorrent quality. We all know you really are. You are a selfish, lazy, cold-hearted fiend just like everyone else. Acting otherwise is deceitful and truly despicable. I love you how you are. April Fools."
"Here is part two of my adventure with Meadow Brink in Wisconsin. The truth is that Meadow was more affected by the cold than myself. Not sure how that is possible since she is native, but I guess it happens. While I was there, I noticed that snow, ice, and cold had lost their luster to the community. There's a point where it stops being fun and simply becomes a dreaded burden. Although I have spent more time with Meadow than most other models, this special woman has yet to lose her shine."
"Don't worry. I already scolded our contributor, Max, for his inclusion of McDonald's in this perfectly delightful smut featuring Lana Lane. I explained that the Zishy demographic is made up of Giga Chads who don't consume junk food and care deeply for their well-beings. Sure, we all might grab some fries in a moment of weakness, like if we are on a layover at the Denver airport and the edible is kicking in hard. But that is really rare. Our body is a temple, for the most part."
"I wipe the sweat off my forehead and glance over at her again—she’s got that natural, effortless beauty that would look incredible on camera. I wait for the right moment, then step over casually, keeping my tone light and friendly. “Hey, I don’t mean to interrupt your workout, but I’m a photographer, and I couldn’t help but notice you’ve got a really unique look. I think you’d be amazing in a photoshoot—nothing crazy, just something casual, maybe some natural light portraits. No pressure at all, but if you’re interested, I’d love to show you my portfolio. Totally up to you.” I smile, keeping it genuine. “Either way, you’re killing it in here.”"
"Introducing Taya Helenova. Max photographed her for us in Ukraine. Part of Taya seems wholesome, but then I realize she smokes cigarettes and has the word ""wild"" tattooed on her body. I think I could still manage. There's probably enough of an innocent side left to corrupt. Kidding, mostly. I hear lung cancer only develops in 10-20% of all smokers. Not horrible odds. Part two tomorrow."
"Decided to bring you the full 6-minute video footage of Julia Campos raw and unedited. We see her struggle to contain herself at the café as she enjoys a milkshake, among other things. Then, Julia shows off her incredible figure while dancing and stripping back home. This one also seemed worthy of being its own update. Gonna have to find a way to get more Julia. What a woman!"
"Vangelica Vee makes her return with hotel room heat while we were in Vegas for an adult convention. No, I did not attend the festivities, but was there to bring new talent to the site. To be honest, I'm not sure if Vangelica is pursuing anything long-term in the industry. She strikes me as one of those tourists who comes in, dips their toes in the water, then leaves with a few wild stories to tell, which is smart since she's such a naturally kind person. More of Vee tomorrow."
"Sammy Loble might be full of herself, but she might also have reason to be. We give attractive people everything while they are at their peak, and very little once we recognize their beauty's decline. It is a cruel game that only offers temporary victories. Ultimately, each player loses everything and goes home in tears. So maybe Sammy is on to something. Maybe we should all have portraits of ourselves on our walls."
"Hello, guys. We tried our best but Debra and I could not find a razor to save our lives. I feel like it is going to be alright. I feel like there are enough of you out there who appreciate the completely natural look. And if there isn't, well then let me say in the sincerest and most respectful way, ""my bad"". But seriously these photos come with an interesting story. Debra's brother came home unexpectedly during our shoot and wanted to kick my ass for taking photos of his sister. I declined his offer and bid my farewell to the siblings. Debra is a wonderful person. Bonus video tomorrow."
"This girl from Mississippi just wants to have fun. Renee Wilson is a blast to photograph. When we met, it was late and there wasn't much around since we were far outside the city. How about this high school? There shouldn't be anyone around. Shooting in the dark is a challenge, but it helps when you have someone with Renee's energy. We made it work. This week proved to America that there aren't any blue states, only blue cities. Have a great weekend, don't break too many rules."
"What if I told you that Moon is a Trumper? What if I told you that she loves Biden? What if I told you that it didn't matter who any of us support and that they are both on the same team? Two handpicked, corrupt actors chosen to guarantee that the real power stays in the same hands. The same hands that want us to hate each other and continue arguing over the topics that have divided us for centuries: racism, women's rights, religion, etc. Don't worry, I'm no expert. The experts are the ones controlling the flow of information. Right? Right. I just make artful smut. Women like Moon Torrance are my distraction of choice."
"Part 2 of the beaming Rosaline. Such enthusiasm needs to be bottled up and sold. I would definitely buy some. Rosaline is actually a fan of the site that hit me up directly. She thought she'd be a good fit. Boy, was she right. I met her in Miami and we had our fun. More to come in the near future."
"I predict that some of you are gonna really dig this and some of you will hate it. That's okay. I hear both of you. For me, I used to appreciate browsing fashion mags for the attractive women and visual creativity. This set scratches that itch. Give it a shot and leave feedback. Cami Sembrabella brought to us by our pal Vika, who apparently does legit fashion photography in Russia. It is difficult pinning her down to shoot for us, but she brings something unique to the table, especially when I hand over the creative reigns. Vika has a vision that leans towards fashion editorial over smut, yet doesn't completely depart from the latter. For those concerned, we get to see more of Cami revealed tomorrow."
"""I want to see this woman move. I want to hear her voice. I want to experience her actual personality. Show me what it is like to be with her in real life. Stop posing and directing. Let us see her comfortable with the camera as if it is her close friend or lover."" These are some example guidelines that I will send to a contributor. Alina has her technical issues, but she still delivers in spades. As for Jacie, she gave us everything we could possibly ask for. Thank you!"
"Here's an extensive throwback to when Liz Jordan and I went to the Alamo during COVID. In a way, it was a major bust since the monument was closed down for renovation. But in all other ways, it was good times. Liz's dress kept flashing her top wherever we went. We almost cared, then we remembered that Texas loves titties."
"Just yesterday, I found a scorpion on the street. I had to stop and admire this creature. Scorpions know that they are beautiful and they let you know it too, but not with a smile—never a smile. Smiles are for the weak. Scorpions are strong and dangerous and can hide their power in silence. When they approach, their perfume coils around your head like a noose. You only become aware of a scorpion's stinger at the moment it is too late—the moment after you have fallen in love. Please heed my advice, treat the scorpions in your life well or stay clear of them completely. Happy Friday."
"Our contributor in Colombia has this friend that is super photogenic but was dating this really jealous dickhead who would never share his gf with the internet. Vicky, the contributor, was able to capture these a while back, but had agreed not to use them until Maya's toxic relationship was over. Looks like we are in the clear now. Juan, find someone else to terrorize ... or grow up. My vote is for the latter. Part 2 very soon."
"Part 1, so save the hate mail. When a beautiful woman offers to pick you up at the airport and drive you to her place in small-town Pennsylvania, you jump. I did. I documented the experience in the most raw manner possible. Jezebel is heroically bold and honest with who she is, which is perfect. I photographed like a maddman that night. Xtra, video, etc. Stay tuned."
"Sometimes it is absurd how beautiful a woman can be. This is one of those times. I realized that I never posted part two of this series with Amber Moore, such an awful crime that I hope you can forgive. My library is deep and ever-growing with untold marvels that the world MUST see. But there is only one me. One curator. One smutty professor. This is the only way I know how to bring consistent quality to a site like Zishy. I have go slow, stay small, and not chase the common denominator. Thank you for not being the common denominator. And it just occurred to me that there is a generation of adults that was born after ""Eyes Wide Shut"" was culturally prevalent. Check it out. It's a great holiday film. I will add a bonus video by the end of tomorrow."
"I am currently at a popular tourist destination, dealing with long lines and high prices. It has brought me to the realization that I hate crowds. They are smelly, noisy, and full of disgusting strangers. The only redeeming aspect of crowds is the rare beautiful woman that can be found among them. An attractive female makes my tired life worth living. Evidently, some people even pay their hard earned munnies just to see photos of women on the internet. Bless your souls, my fellow space cowboys."
"I know what you are thinking. ""OMG, she's adorable!"" See, I told ya. That was my exact reaction, too. Gabriella Noren's thick curls and speck-tacular freckles send me to the moon. We encountered dark skies, rain, and pre-flight anxiety during these photos, but we were tenacious and managed to hodge-podge an exciting update. Expect more of this unique beauty."
"Alissa Foxy is proof that not everything in Europe is trash. She reminds me of an ex-girlfriend who would go on these potato diets. One potato, everyday. Wow, how stupid. I'm not saying that Alissa is stupid though. In honesty, I know nothing of her intelligence. I know her taste in boyfriends is questionable, but that just means more of us goonies might have a chance. If Alissa is half as smart as she is beautiful, she very well may have a future in academia. Take that has you wish. -Waterboy for the Techno Viking"
"Luna Lovely is really cool. She's done a bunch of porn, but is special for the fact that she genuinely loves it. I also find her very attractive. Just remember, all the women you encounter these days have probably done dirty deeds in their pasts as well, and quite possibly on camera. There are no virgins left. Our technocracy has been screwing us since birth. Sorry, pal."
"Back in the day, this site was more focused on enticing photos of women in clothes. My theory was that revealing less could often go further than revealing more. Over the years, I found that both are important, especially if I wanted to make any money from this endeavor. But today, I bring you the amazing Olya, who is one of our more reserved models of recent years. Her beauty is special and I would personally feel foolish to refuse it unless she bared everything all the time. Stay human."
"Third day in a row that Bitcoin has hit an all-time high. Let's celebrate with some tacos. Let's take a woman out that we know not everyone is going to love. Just like everyone doesn't love spicy food. It's okay. We aren't here to please the masses. We are here to have fun and spread a little fuck-you this season (but in a kind way). And for your info, I think Jenna is a legit degen beautiful badass. Thank you guys for coming along on the ride."
"Reina Rae is gorgeous, strong, brave, neurotic, and possibly over self-medicated. See the bonus video. Photographing her in Tucson is a trip down memory lane. This small desert city and the U of A were my home for a while. Visiting brings back recollections of shitty apartments, college girlfriends, and stained futons. As much as I like the place, I'm glad that I made it out. Good luck, Reina."
"Here is part two of my walk with Kylie Shay. Since it got dark on us, we decided to snap the rest of the photos in her van. Kylie loves to smoke/vape, so I promised she could do that, but only if she removed all her clothing for the camera. The negotiations went smoothly."
"I swear, this girl has the body of an instagram filter. But do not worry, these photos are not doctored. Some women are just built like this. We had fun at her place and eventually got all her clothes off. That's in part 2. Expect it this weekend."
"Here is the conclusion of our day with Irina Dyvyn and Bianca Bell. If you enjoy women being comfortable and playful and unpressured, you will probably dig this update. Alina, our contributor, has a talent for making her subjects feel relaxed and willing to be completely candid. Her work brings us along for the ride. After 8 minutes of the 13-minute video, you will only be able to understand the dialog if you speak Russian. Mostly, Bianca talks about her office job, the Russian/Ukranian language issue, and how tech guys are odd. Have a great weekend."
"The moment my mouth dives into a slice of ripe, juicy summer melon, my senses are flooded with pure delight. The sweetness bursts on my tongue, refreshing and invigorating, like capturing the essence of a sun-soaked day. The vibrant, succulent flesh, with its delicate, sugary nectar, feels like a cherished indulgence—something I have waited for all year. For me, this simple pleasure is a symbol of life’s abundance, a seasonal treasure that fills the heart with joy and satisfaction. They say it is a berry, I call it a blessing."
"Presenting Nala Brooks in her finale. This woman loves to put on a show and judging by the response she gets, many of you love to watch. Nala was generous enough to remove the nipple metal for you boomers out there. Believe me, it wasn't easy. It was the first time she removed them since they were put in. I had to help poor Nala with my own two hands. The struggle is real!"
"These are from way back on the very first day I ever met Soledad Lomas. I knew right away that she was special and would be a hit on the site. It was a cold day out, as you can tell from her skin, but she kindly cooked me a delicious steak on the grill. What a mensch. Soledad proceeded to demonstrate her ambitions to become a famous lingerie model. Not sure if that ever worked out, but we love her just the same on Zishy. Part 2 without that distracting lingerie coming soon."
"Introducing another awesome lady, Scarlett Alexis. I took her for a ride in this slip of a dress with nothing underneath. We scoped out a few locations to shoot some flashing at, but were mostly unsuccessful due to a busy weekend with crowds. We should have just hit up a Trump rally, where it appears that no one pays attention to suspicious behavior. Oh well, live and learn. Some indoor nudity of Scarlett will arrive tomorrow."
"I took a lot of photos of Penelope Kay in the mountains near Flagstaff and I think they're pretty, as she is too, so I'm gonna share them here on the site. I hope you're okay with that. Part two will drop tomorrow. Probably along with an xtra. I appreciate your attention and support. I wish all of my customers health and wealth this holiday season. Everyone else can suck a pine cone."
"I could badmouth this cosmic babe plenty, but why would I want to waste my time focusing on the negative? There is so much to appreciate and be amazed by with Gia Ohmy. She gave me an exciting fashion show upon her arrival. Take a seat and enjoy her seat."
"Now let's revisit the Texas state--no, national treasure in Angel Youngs. Her beauty and sexuality is one to behold. This is amplified by Angel's ability to be completely candid and comfortable in front of a camera. We spent a couple of hours photographing at an apartment in San Antonio on her way to a wild weekend planned in Port Aransas. She was beaming with energy, which is quite typical of Angel. This collection of stills will be followed by a part two with video (and xtra) at some point. Cool panties, yo."
"I like Luci Pineda. She reminds me of this really sweet girl I used to know. I should have given her a chance, but I was too distracted by street ballin' and the rap game. Now that I have made more paper than I can spend and courted an endless list of thirsty bitches, I think I'm ready for someone like Luci. Someone who is going to slow life down for me. I have learned that the word 'love' is an empty container, only filled by kindness towards others and most importantly, towards ourselves. -Horst Simco"
"Here is a set of street portraits with Luba Cherisova in Russia. She was very open to showing me the popular sights in her town while mixing in risky public flashing. Luba possesses an enigmatic personality, playful but serious at the same time, and with plenty of I-dont-give-a-fuck. Like clockwork, just when I think I am solely into women on the curvier side, a thin vixen such as Luba pulls me back in. Stay loose."
"Part two as promised. The 5-minute bonus video shows how this Russian sausage, featuring Cami, was made. I personally feel it is a beautiful and tasty sausage. Even if there is pushback to this type of content, I will be including this softer, subtler aesthetic from time-to-time. Variety is the spice of life. Have a great weekend."
"Welcome to another week of joy and wonder. We have made it well past the halfway point of 2024. Congrats! Here is Victoria Ramos spreading her positive energy from Buenos Aires. Her unique look is an example of nonstandard beauty. I am so grateful to all the diverse women who have taken the chance of putting themselves on the internet. Hawk-Tuhh Girl, hold your head up high. Screw the haters. No hawk-tuhh for thems."
"December has arrived, and with it comes Yessa Banter from ... can anyone guess? She is a unique model with a youthful, but serious demeanor. I find her personality as interesting as her outward appearance. Does Yessa's family and friends know that she is a nude model that can now be adored on the internet? I doubt it. She only had bikini bottoms to wear on this day, but we'll have her back again. Don't worry."
"Julia Campos was having some sort of episode when she took us out for a milkshake. It wasn't until we got back to the car that we discovered what it was all about. With certain women, you can immediately sense that they are trouble, but also a lot of fun. I get that feeling with Julia. She seems worth the trouble. A bonus video is coming to this update over the weekend. Dueces."
"Another candid look into one of our contributor productions. We hear Stacy's voice (in Spanish) as you get a 5-minute, fly-on-the-wall view of a Zishy shoot."
"Today I bring you Dabney Conrad unfiltered. Real women often have acne, bruises, scars. That's just real life. What are you gonna do when the world reveals its imperfections? Are you going to run? Or are you going to admire the beauty that transcends your fantastic ideals? When I am around a person as wonderful as Dabney, it is hard to be distracted by flaws. Plus, I'd like to think I am wiser than that. I should be. I'm no longer a child. Bonus video to come (tomorrow)."
"I am about to perform hypnosis on you. This update, and the one that follows, will force you to appreciate photos without direct nudity just as much, if not more, than those that do feature it. My assistant will be Ariel Gossimer. She makes one hell of an amateur model. Imagine if this site did not exist. Imagine if we never got to see women like Ariel who for whatever reason didn't ""cut it"" for fashion, TV, lingerie catalogs, etc and would never agree to bare all for OF or webcam. That world would totally suck. Thanks for making Zishy possible."
"Here's a little potpourri of skin and beauty from our contributor in Moscow. These photos of Ira Sedina were captured in a stealthy way with a smaller 'snapshot-style' camera for good reason. I was told, but can not remember the exact story which came with this content. Something about an angry employee at the aquarium, inappropriate attire, blah blah blah. All I know is that Ira is always a friend to the camera. At the end of the gallery, she sent me a few photos from her phone while she recovered from an 'accident'. I think she just got a nose job, but whatever. I am happy to see Ira back. Sol meme degens check out $VHS (CA: 5e41GfrQwTP74LgGt6WP9kw6xa1jQhAERCjnFKf74y52)"
"Daphne Dare invites us into her quiet, pink chambers for this intimate session. Her room is filled with all things girly, including a cat, sewing machine, countless stuffies, a large bottle of coconut rum, and mandatory massage wand. I could tell right away that this was her safe space, its own little world that she doesn't regularly share with just anyone. Thanks, Daphne. Part 2 tomorrow."
"The notion that Italian women are universally beautiful, while often celebrated, can also perpetuate unfair and unrealistic standards. This stereotype places undue pressure on Italian women to meet an idealized image, which can be both mentally and emotionally taxing. Furthermore, it dismisses the diversity and individuality of beauty, reducing Italian women to a narrow and superficial ideal. Emphasizing beauty in this way fosters envy and resentment among those who feel they do not fit these standards, contributing to a broader culture of insecurity and inequality. Just the same, there really is something about Italian women. My apologies."
"Hi, all. I am keeping this one simple. A gallery of the superb Soledad Lomas flashing me while visiting Nordstrom Rack, including video. I do not blame you if you think they're fake. See, Soledad and I live pretty close to each other. One day I was at the mall and from afar I saw this thin brunette with an eye-popping rack. I thought to myself, ""There's no way those are real."" I walked closer and lo and behold, it was my old friend, the all-natural Soledad. Never be too certain of your assumptions. More SL to come."
"Kylie Shay is back. She shows me more of Memphis. Nice girl. I am not sure about the city yet. It seems chill, but not the most uplifting place. Yeah, Elvis was from Memphis, but his story didn't end so well. Then there's Elon who just put a big AI supercomputer in the area. Hopefully, that brings more commerce and development to Memphis. But even if it did, I'm sure the corporate media will find a way to spin the situation negatively. Fucking brainwashin' bums. Part 2 soon."
"A 7-minute video that documents this perfect day with the perfect Miquela. Watch her flash and tease us as she paddles down the the river. Then, she romantically strips down back at the dimly lit cabin. Are all Argentinian women this game and beautiful? Gawddamn!!! Don't worry, this is not the last we will see of Miquela."
"Wait, Zach. You are saying people pay you to take photos of women brushing their teeth? Yeah, but it can't just be any woman. It has to be an exceptionally charming and attractive woman like Myra Glasford. It also doesn't hurt if she is willing to do it while she's naked. My life is a comedy, but it's one that you gotta be over 18 to pay for admission. Or you could just watch it for free online without any restrictions on those shady pirate sites. As always, thank you to those who pay."
"If you are reading this and you have yet to subscribe, then I must declare that you are missing out. The other day I found a site that asks for $50 a month (the price of a year of Zishy). This site features amazing women too and decent photography, but I can already sense the regret which would quickly follow that purchase. But who cares? I'm not worried about what others do. I'm worried about you missing out on women like Jupiter Stassy, watching her flash the camera while she is shopping for a Halloween costume. You won't find that Gucci anywhere else. No cap. Zishy just hits different."
"Here we have over six and a half minutes of video with the ridiculous Samadhi Amour. She dances, shakes, and strips for all humanity to admire. I wager that this experience will travel to the far reaches of the internet for generations to come, as it should. I want my great grandchildren to behold Samadhi's beauty. And try to relax, this isn't the last you and I will be seeing of her."
"Hope you don't mind this late addition of a bonus video, but I was busy this week shooting bottle rockets at the neighborhood cats. Here's a couple more of minutes of fun with Liz Jordan teasing, shaking and flashing deep in the heart of Texas. It doesn't get more American than this. See you guys on Monday."
"More teasin' and cheesin' from the adorable Olya Derkach. I have probably tried pickles on pizza before, but it was so non-memorable that I have zero opinion of it. Towards the end of this 7-minute bonus video, Olya explains to our contributor that when she agreed to topless, it only meant that she would be without a top, but always covering her pepper-oh-never mind. I was trying to stick to the pizza theme. Yura learned a valuable lesson, as I have many times, which is that in this business/artform/whatever-you-want-to-call-it, we remain at the mercy of the beautiful woman in front of us. So it goes. I am still grateful, O."
"Here is a nice soft intro to a beautiful woman that very recently popped up on our radar, Yvain Cormich. Apparently, she is quite shy, but judging by what I have seen of her, she is making strides to break through that mold. Part two tomorrow. She ditches all her clothes. Patience, my friends."
"She is not your typical model by any means, but I found Bess Burton captivating nonetheless. She was looking for a side hustle to her job in healthcare and knew that she could convert her physical beauty into supplemental income. Bess is a smart girl."
"Sometimes I need the better part of a day in order to create a compelling set of beautiful images for the site. And sometimes, I only need about fifteen minutes. This gallery of Greta Yarbrough is an example of the latter. She brought out a gorgeous vintage dress that used to be her grandmother's (okay, I might have made that up) and we quickly executed an impromptu ""flash""-ion sesh in the front of her house for all the neighbors to witness. It was great. Greta is great. Hope you enjoy. I will try to add a bonus video tomorrow."
"More fun times with the bubbly Bubble Butt Venus. She gets a thrill from this type of work, it is plain to see. We held our adventure in the square of a small Texas town. Venus took extra pleasure knowing that we were catching glances from conservative college students. Stay rebel."
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