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Another epically long update. Guess it is your lucky week. Here is Alli Chandler. She wrote me claiming she is a big fan of Zishy and wanted to put on a show for the site. Well she certainly did that. Arriving at her place, I knew that I was in for a ride. Scattered clothes, water pipes, colorful adult toys. We walked Alli's dog then went out for more public adventure. It was a brisk day in Arizona, but our muse had a secret internal heater. She shows that to us at Dick's Sporting Goods. You're absolutely right if you guessed that an xtra will follow. Hold on to your hats with Alli Chandler.
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Back in the old days, humans used to torture the hell out of each other. They utilized physical pain to break the spirits of their enemies, instill fear, gain obedience, etc. Important shit. In most of the modern world, we now think calling someone a hurtful name on the internet is violence. In fact, the mere mentioning of certain words can have you excommunicated. People now live each day in fear of either being offended or offending someone who is hyper-sensitive. I say bring back the spikes. Ivanna Ershova has a few torture devices of her own.
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Public upskirt outdoors with pantyless girl in stockings
Park up skirts even with nude cunt
Welcome back. Here's a nice little, big tease from Olivia Yukon. She has a thing for Latin men and I am pretty sure any type of man would have a thing for her. Now all at once, Ay Caramba!
You guys seem to appreciate Keely as much as I do, so I decided to tack on a bonus sequence of photos today. Part of me feels that I must include images of my subject in panties with each set. Then there is a part of me that says, 'Zach, there are no rules. Stop being a pussy.' In general, I despise rules manufactured out of thin air, so the latter attitude tends to prevail. Do me a favor if you'd like to help support Zishy model scouting and my other artistic endeavors. Please follow www.instagram.comzachvenice on IG. Thanks.
Part two as promised and fulfilling orders on her xtra tomorrow. Patsy is a quiet girl with a loud sexuality. I'm a fan.
"Our contributor in Colombia has this friend that is super photogenic but was dating this really jealous dickhead who would never share his gf with the internet. Vicky, the contributor, was able to capture these a while back, but had agreed not to use them until Maya's toxic relationship was over. Looks like we are in the clear now. Juan, find someone else to terrorize ... or grow up. My vote is for the latter. Part 2 very soon."
Gallery of Plump Bride Spreads Legs
"Introducing Jacie Verbena. I like her. She seems like she has a good time being photographed. Kudos to our contributor in Ukraine. Does your government ask your permission before sending its citizens to kill or die? Doubt it. War is dumb. Part 2 tomorrow."
There's probably a few of you out there reading this who are real sickoes. Maybe one of you even has a half-starved person, most likely a girl, locked up in your basement. You probably are thinking of your next 'experiment' for her this weekend. How much antifreeze can a human consume before total system shutdown? Well, I'm not gonna judge you, but I think you should give it up. I know dark shit is fun at first, but all it will eventually bring you is pure stress. And stress is the leading cause of major illness. We must avoid it like rabies. Treat yourself better. You deserve it. -Dr. Drew
I meet so many incredible women when I travel and yet Nika Nikitina still stands out. She is like lighting in a bottle. And just like lighting, she is not easy to photograph. She puts on a blistering pace from the get-go. If you don't know how to operate your camera instinctually, you will be screwed. Lucky for me, I have put in the hours and know little else besides this chase. Chasing beauty--I have surrendered myself to this calling. Will probably be at it until the end, boys. Stay along for the ride.
Girl lifts her skirt up a little bit
These were taken back at a time when wearing a napkin on your face was thought to protect you from a highly contagious disease, but once you were sitting and eating, you were safe. We really lost our damn minds, didn't we? Anyways, Greta is welcome every holiday season at Zishy HQ. A bonus video should arrive tomorrow.
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Shots of Brides Upskirting Panties Peek
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A nude girl on the Copacabana
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Photos of Hot Euro Bride
Let's send our thanks to Max in Ukraine for finding and photographing Valya here. No idea how he still manages to operate in a war-torn country, but I guess the show must go on. God bless the people caught up in messes created by the rich and powerful. Stay alive.
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I meant to publish this update yesterday, but I am currently traveling across Europe. I will soon reach my destination, which may or may not welcome my western presence. We shall see. But after, there will be less snags in my schedule. Promise. Someone asked me, so you even have to work while on vacation? To which I replied, my work is so good that I dont need a vacation. Am I supposed to take a break from meeting and photographing women like Reina Rae? Cmon. I dread vacations. You know how hard it is to travel and admire the female wonders that I can not photograph in this way? Painful is an understatement. No matter which path a life takes, there is always plenty of pain to embrace.
As promised, here is part two. There will be more of my fantastic neighbor in the future. Hope you are having a greta day.
"These two are a fun pair that Max captures for us in Kyiv. Rachel Veiss is the brunette and Beglie Skipper is the blonde. Guess there is way more than a goldmine of critical minerals in the region that might interest U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham. Poor Lindsey. He has said, ""I never found time to meet the right girl, or the right girl was smart enough not to have time for me."" If only he lived in Ukraine. Anyways, more from the bedroom coming soon. Don't fret."
"I have many regrets about my younger days. Mostly they stem from wasting time on stupid shit like TV, movies, video games, spectator sports, etc. I should have focused more energy on developing useful skills like skateboarding, running scams, speaking Mandarin or explosive-making. It took me a while, but I finally realized that in order to get anything meaningful out of life, I needed to become a hunter. No one was going to give me the rabbits of this world. I had to learn how to catch them for myself. I hope you know how to get yours."
"This update starts off with Lissa Mendez looking serious, to be honest, possibly even a little pissed. Gradually, we see her loosen up in front of our eyes. That million dollar smile reemerges, and all is right again in the universe. I don't know the entire story behind it, but along with you, I look forward to downloading more information on Lissa in part two. Together we will get to the bottom of this. See ya tomorrow. Z"
"I know what you are thinking. ""OMG, she's adorable!"" See, I told ya. That was my exact reaction, too. Gabriella Noren's thick curls and speck-tacular freckles send me to the moon. We encountered dark skies, rain, and pre-flight anxiety during these photos, but we were tenacious and managed to hodge-podge an exciting update. Expect more of this unique beauty."
The world around me might be in ruins, but there are some things that will never cease in bringing me joy. One of those things is taking a spectacular woman like Oxana Chic out for an adventurous stroll in an eyepopping outfit. She is a pure delight in so many ways. Another joy of mine is watching actors pretend that they are flying jets and reading lines that someone else wrote for them. I do need a strong edible though for the latter. Have a nice weekend. A bonus video will be posted to this update soon.
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I just spent all day at a waterpark trying not to ogle at teen ass, so spare me. I love women over 20y.o. with smoking hot bods, but they are disappearing faster than the earth's ice caps. Anyways, this update is a little appetizer I put together last minute and I will add to it later today. I also promise to include a bonus video. Dabney Conrad is a bad mofo. In fact, I consider any person a bad mofo who doesn't let their body degrade to a sloppy, doughy mess. I am tired of paying high health insurance because Jane and Johnny America can't go a night without cocktails or dessert. People who think walking a mile is the equivalent of climbing K2. Oh, by the way, all those shitty tattoos do not make flabby paunches look hip. Whatevers. Maybe I got too much sun today. brb
As promised, here is a nice long video from my time with Rikki Till and Stella Garmen. These two women went above and beyond to fulfill my dark, twisted fantasies. Weed still works.
"Here is part two of my adventure with Meadow Brink in Wisconsin. The truth is that Meadow was more affected by the cold than myself. Not sure how that is possible since she is native, but I guess it happens. While I was there, I noticed that snow, ice, and cold had lost their luster to the community. There's a point where it stops being fun and simply becomes a dreaded burden. Although I have spent more time with Meadow than most other models, this special woman has yet to lose her shine."
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Nude beach bodies caught on the cam
This is Julie Bernal from closer to the equator. Her boyfriend hit me up and said that she was a natural eyecatcher and was ready to be admired on Zishy. After seeing some test shots, I said I had the Bitcoin ready to make that happen. So if you have a girlfriend, friend, wife, cousin, sister, or mother like Julie, and you are not hitting me up, that is just outright cruel. Spread the happy. It's only pictures. You still get to enjoy the real thing.
Hey guys. This was meant to be posted yesterday but my power was out until late last night. I spent most of the day foraging for firewood and trying to keep warm. Eventually, I gave up, drove a few miles to the gym, supervised females on the Glute Master Kickback machine, then jumped into the sauna. Anyways, I know you would rather hear more about Ariel. But would you really? Don't you just want to see more of her? I would. And the good news is that you will too, eventually. Have a nice weekend.
I might be a cruel bastard, but at least I am honest. Here is part two of Liz Jordan in bed. She is the type of person who can take an innocent cup of water and turn it into something sexual. What a kook. What a talent. We need more like Liz. That xtra is still coming, should have it by tomorrow. Settle down, people.
Introducing Iliza Monteforte. Her couch might be half-destroyed, but her personality is pristine. She lives near a big university in Florida and has a bunch of wild roommates that like to party. I am sure their landlord has already gambled away the security deposit. When you have a college girlfriend like Iliza, you don't sweat the small stuff. It is okay if the carpet is filthy and the garbage wreaks. Worry about being civilized back at home with the wife and kids, where the carefree invincibility of youth is but a distant memory. And don't forget to clear your message history, you scoundrel.
Basically, I am a drug dealer. These experiences deliver large doses of goodness to my brain. I document the excitement with my camera and I broadcast it to you. Rikki Till is obviously not shy and intended to prove it in the last couple of frames. Lordy. My own cousin told me that he doesn't understand why people pay for porn when they can get it for free. Bro, someone better pay because we all need our fix and these women aren't doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. Thanks to everyone who abides by the honor system.
"I took a lot of photos of Penelope Kay in the mountains near Flagstaff and I think they're pretty, as she is too, so I'm gonna share them here on the site. I hope you're okay with that. Part two will drop tomorrow. Probably along with an xtra. I appreciate your attention and support. I wish all of my customers health and wealth this holiday season. Everyone else can suck a pine cone."
Balboa Park in San Diego is a lovely setting for portraits. I recommend that you go early in the morning before swarms of sweaty, overweight tourists arrive to obstruct the picturesque backgrounds. Onna Metcalf has a shy demeanor that had me assuming she'd be unable to pull off risky shots in public. Onna is quiet and generally keeps her emotions to herself, but one thing she is not is risk-averse. Let's all take this Monday, lay it on its back, pull its Amazon Essentials panties to the side, and remind it who is boss.
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Even though Kayla Linchek is an adult, has a job, drives her own car, she still had to sneak me into her room on a Sunday morning so that we could take these pictures. Kayla lives with her older brother and says that he would kill us both if he found out. He was asleep just down the hall. Between you and I, I think danger excites this young woman. If your art does not have any danger in it, I am not interested.
Keira Croft is full of health, sex, and life. I hope she stays that way and never loses sight of what makes her special. I only have award-winning eyelashes and a fabulous wit to rely on. Shucks.
"I could badmouth this cosmic babe plenty, but why would I want to waste my time focusing on the negative? There is so much to appreciate and be amazed by with Gia Ohmy. She gave me an exciting fashion show upon her arrival. Take a seat and enjoy her seat."
"I like Luci Pineda. She reminds me of this really sweet girl I used to know. I should have given her a chance, but I was too distracted by street ballin' and the rap game. Now that I have made more paper than I can spend and courted an endless list of thirsty bitches, I think I'm ready for someone like Luci. Someone who is going to slow life down for me. I have learned that the word 'love' is an empty container, only filled by kindness towards others and most importantly, towards ourselves. -Horst Simco"
For the past few years, I have been turned off to Led Zeppelin. It was disappointing to hear that they lifted several elements of their best music from other artists. But the other night, as I was parked in a lot, hitting some THC, I decided to put on one of my favorite Zeppelin tracks. Dazed and Confused is as brilliant as rock gets. To think that these British savages busted it out on their debut album is insane. Yeah, they might have stolen the song's framework from Jake Holmes, but no offense Jake, they executed it 100x better. Fuck the rules when it comes to art. Does it bang? That is all that matters. Bianca Bell bangs.
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Here's a little, but actually not too small, Valentine's gift for you from Tyla Jessop. She gave Zishy a heroic effort and I am thankful. In the end, she remains concerned that this sort of modeling will ruin her Hollywood dreams. Fortunately, Hollywood has died and you can do whatever you want and your success is only limited by your talent. Enjoy the weekend. Don't forget to show your special lady how much you care. One great V-day idea is to cuddle up together and watch the UFC pay-per-view event tonight. That's what I'm getting my missus. You're welcome.
"Daphne Dare invites us into her quiet, pink chambers for this intimate session. Her room is filled with all things girly, including a cat, sewing machine, countless stuffies, a large bottle of coconut rum, and mandatory massage wand. I could tell right away that this was her safe space, its own little world that she doesn't regularly share with just anyone. Thanks, Daphne. Part 2 tomorrow."
Rose Fessenden is a sight to behold. I hope she loves these photos of her as much as I do. Enjoy the weekend and say hello to your mother for me.
I had a dream that I became so woke and enlightened that a woman with a body like Stella Barry's would have no effect on me. Her well-endowed chest would seem as commonplace as an old desk lamp or an empty picture frame. My libido would no longer be sparked easily by such surface attributes. I would see past those things and only value personality and intelligence. Yeah, well that was a dream. And I am not sorry. So, deal with it.
Introducing Melba Chastain. Her eyes were so distracting that I ended up forgetting my camera bag at this health food store in Santa Monica. Fortunately for me, even an evil place like LA still has some good people in it. The bag was returned and I lived another day to create captivating smut for the world. More Melba to come.
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Welcome Sammy Loble to Zishy. She is from Texas and has a tall, captivating figure. You probably wouldn't notice it in person though since it is nearly impossible to pull attention away from her eyes. Fortunately, I am a trained professional who will not be deterred by a gorgeous face. None of Sammy's features were overlooked in this update. But if you think they were, tell me, and I will make sure to tend to those areas more in our next encounter. Stay inspired.
I love the nature in this region. I love that there are still places where you can gather fruit and herbs straight from the wild. I love that there are unpaved roads here. I love not having a cell phone signal. I love the lakes that we swim in and pull life out of. I love the clean drinking water that literally seeps from the ground. I love calling it a night shortly after the sky darkens. I love waking when the sun begins lighting up the horizon. Whoever said it was right. I probably have gone mad, but mostly because the bulk of my life is removed from the natural elements. How about yourself? How long has it been since you plucked a wild blackberry? P.S. I fucking hate mosquitoes.
Say hello to yet another natural beauty that you will not find on other sites. Minka Giertz's bravery is on full display here with a visit to a popular Austin marketplace. If I was a real perv, I would spend my time in public trying to decipher which women have have opted to go braless or panty-less that day. Fortunately, I have much more civil things to do. I usually just stare at my phone, oblivious to the world around me, feeling oddly numb at how close we are to midnight on the Doomsday Clock. Sponsored by Bawls energy drink. Get your hands on some Bawls.
Keeping this one short and sweet. Meet Rosalina Andee from Colombia. What a doll. This is the casting she did with our contributor. After reviewing these, I immediately wrote to Viky saying that yes, we are going to need more of Roselina. Sometimes at night, I lie awake thinking about how many of you I have persuaded to invest into Bitcoin--how many of your children's futures I saved. Not bad for a lowly smut peddler. Just keep subscribing to Zishy. That's all the thanks I need. Piece.
Words, words, words, words. I'm sure you really want to hear what I have to say. I make elegant sentences. I pose interesting questions. I often use proper punctuation. Or maybe you are just here for the pretty girls. Hmm, I wonder. Ira Sedina is another exquisite young woman that I met in Russia. Here we are in Moscow eating eggs and taking risky photos outside of ornate religious architecture. You should stick around Zishy and see more of Ira. It beats constantly refreshing your screen to watch a crypto portfolio plummet. Thanks, Elon.
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Several of you have requested more of Ushna Malik. So, you're welcome. Only kidding. I am the one who is thankful. This young woman of Pakistani descent is a marvel to photograph. She was bold enough to invite me into her home even though she still lives with her parents. If you don't want to bore a girl like Ushna to death, you had better be ready to let the wildest side of your personality shine.
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Cutie tickling her clit up the skirt
"Here we have over six and a half minutes of video with the ridiculous Samadhi Amour. She dances, shakes, and strips for all humanity to admire. I wager that this experience will travel to the far reaches of the internet for generations to come, as it should. I want my great grandchildren to behold Samadhi's beauty. And try to relax, this isn't the last you and I will be seeing of her."
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