Upskirt pics
Instead of cheeky notes to go along with these cheeky photos, I will leave you in silence to enjoy Olya Derkach. I also haven't slept in three days, so I'd probably just ramble on about child labor laws or self-serving governments or how you can never really 'throw away' garbage unless you burn it, which is culturally unpopular at the moment. I could discuss the corrupt academic industry or how I despise weakness in both men and women or why peanut butter should only have two ingredients. But, no. Today, I just want you to relax and appreciate this beautiful young woman on a Saturday afternoon. Peace.
"This update starts off with Lissa Mendez looking serious, to be honest, possibly even a little pissed. Gradually, we see her loosen up in front of our eyes. That million dollar smile reemerges, and all is right again in the universe. I don't know the entire story behind it, but along with you, I look forward to downloading more information on Lissa in part two. Together we will get to the bottom of this. See ya tomorrow. Z"
Quick update here. Power is out right now in the small town that I am staying in. Running off the reserves in my laptop battery and cell phone. Ooh and I'm about to go photograph that gymnastics teacher in a few minutes. We will see how that goes. Also, I will add a bonus video to this update once I get some juice. Have a good one. Entry2 I am back on the grid and the shoot was went splendidly. If you guys love her, half as much as your narrator, she will be a hit. G'night, amigos.
Kerin Metzger is a woman you would never expect has a kink side the size of Texas. You might meet her working the register at Office Depot and think to yourself, What a cute nerd, I bet she has no idea how sexy she could be. Upon checkout, you might spring up a meaningless conversation about the latest serial killer doc on Netflix. She might give you her number if you exude enough false confidence. You might come to her apartment and be introduced to her pet chinchilla. She might offer you some Kool-Aid and maybe a hit from her glass water pipe. Then, if you are real fortunate, she might reveal her drawer of secret toys and implements. Or, you could just stay home and order those paperclips from Amazon. You decide. This update brought to you by Office Depot.
One day soon I will add an xtra from this episode with Savannah Small. She really turned up the heat for me when I photographed her in her bedroom. You would think that I am a Jason Mamoa-type by the way some of these women react to my shoots. But I assure you I am not. I egg them on a bit with crass humor and a non-judgy attitude, I might even treat them like human beings. It's wild, but every now and then that works. It definitely helps though if they are a genuine freak in the sheets like Savannah. Bonus video tomorrow.
Bella Rose appeared recently in a Riff Raff Instagram post, as if she wasn't cool enough. She is a fun girl, quite beautiful, quite brave, perfect for a Zishy field trip to Century City mall. I have been batting around the idea of starting a podcast. You will get to hear more of my rants and raves if you so desire. I can describe what I hate about the things I love. I can grow my comedy chops, for my future career as a stand-up comic. I can read you completely fake horoscopes. I can also field your questions. Msg me
Do you remember Michele James? You know, the sweet girl that I went to that art gallery with in Pittsburgh. Well, she's back and she's lovely. She smiles as if the pool at her gym finally reopened. She smiles as if they stopped printing money like it was actually linked to something of value. She smiles because she lives in a state where you are not required to show proof of vaccination just to eat at Fuddruckers. Michele made me forget about all of life's BS for about five minutes today. And that's gotta be worth something, right? Here at Zishy, I never ask you to like, but if you subscribe, I promise to keep bringing you women who make you smile.
And here it is. The finale of Victoria Minina. It is great to watch her go but it is awful to see her go, if you catch my drift. She truly is a wonderful person on top of her amazing appearance. By tomorrow, I will put together a non-explicit xtra of Vika. Stay dreamy.
"Introducing Jacie Verbena. I like her. She seems like she has a good time being photographed. Kudos to our contributor in Ukraine. Does your government ask your permission before sending its citizens to kill or die? Doubt it. War is dumb. Part 2 tomorrow."
Helen Bergstrom is a charming and talented woman that loves animals. So much so that she shares her apartment with several pets, including a huge dog. Helen is a vocalist, a pianist, a guitarist and can even slay on the harp. Helen can shred on a skateboard. She could probably even drink you under the table. A bonafide showboater! I am still waiting to see what she can't do. Happy Saturday.
Someone persistent has been requesting more Korinne Peterjik for the past few months. I totally understand their fascination. Her natural beauty and enthusiasm is palpable. The air in her dorm room felt thick with it. I created a job for myself that justifies visiting a college campus to take nakey photos of lovely young women. Certainly, I am swine, but I am of a genius breed of swine. Or maybe this is all part of Father's Plan.
Smiling babe in jeans wears no top
It will be hard to say goodbye to Adriene Macedo. This is her last update. Fortunately, there will be a second part to it and probably some bonus video. She is a phenom in many ways. I was enamored with Adriene from afar for quite a while before she agreed to shoot. Her body type is rare and completely natural. She is into extreme activities like riding dirt bikes and kickboxing. Whoever is trying to blackmail her, threatening to show her Zishy pics to her family and friends, that's shitty of you. Woefully, she is not the first. And then I constantly have people also asking why I don't tag my models' social media. Yup.
pantyhose no panties candid upskirt foto
Not a joke. These were taken many years ago, when Zishy was a concept still developing in my immature mind. Don't worry, I'm still immature, just have more resources. Creativity is always considered foolishness until it works. Stay hungry. Miranda is the girl bowling inside CVS. Taylor is the one with the Easter basket. Isabela is the viper wearing the ruffle socks with heels. Amber is the buxom latina photographed in the mirrored lobby.
Horniest legs admired up the skirts
It's great to meet generous people who will let you borrow their amber store for risqu photos. This town is mostly built off of amber. Here, amber can make a family fortune, but it can also put you in prison or an early grave through its illegal and often dangerous acquisition. I do not personally see any value in amber, but I do appreciate how it looks on a work of art like Nicole Ross. Happy Friday.
As promised, here's a little more of the amazing Dallas Mills!
"These two are a fun pair that Max captures for us in Kyiv. Rachel Veiss is the brunette and Beglie Skipper is the blonde. Guess there is way more than a goldmine of critical minerals in the region that might interest U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham. Poor Lindsey. He has said, ""I never found time to meet the right girl, or the right girl was smart enough not to have time for me."" If only he lived in Ukraine. Anyways, more from the bedroom coming soon. Don't fret."
It takes a powerful person to go for my flavor of fun in such frigid conditions. Even my fingers were in pain trying to work the camera's controls. But Paige Tabernash is apparently on her school's ski team in Boulder. She thrives at these temperatures, right? If Paige had happened to mutter one complaint, I did not hear it through my earmuffs. Happy New Year! Bring it, 2019.
Happy Thanksgiving, guys. Here's a supplemental set of Vonnie to yesterday's update. You'll get one last visit from her before my time is done. Now go get that gravy.
"I have many regrets about my younger days. Mostly they stem from wasting time on stupid shit like TV, movies, video games, spectator sports, etc. I should have focused more energy on developing useful skills like skateboarding, running scams, speaking Mandarin or explosive-making. It took me a while, but I finally realized that in order to get anything meaningful out of life, I needed to become a hunter. No one was going to give me the rabbits of this world. I had to learn how to catch them for myself. I hope you know how to get yours."
"Here is part two of my adventure with Meadow Brink in Wisconsin. The truth is that Meadow was more affected by the cold than myself. Not sure how that is possible since she is native, but I guess it happens. While I was there, I noticed that snow, ice, and cold had lost their luster to the community. There's a point where it stops being fun and simply becomes a dreaded burden. Although I have spent more time with Meadow than most other models, this special woman has yet to lose her shine."
Meadow Brink is weird. I am weird. You are weird. Everyone that I have ever met is pretty damn weird. I guess that is just how it will always be. These are from the first day that I met Meadow. So many things about this woman are unique her story, her body. If you haven't seen her 'xtra' content, then you are truly missing out. I will add a few more revealing photos from this raincoat update to her xtra now. More Meadow to come.
Tracy Maura enjoyed splashing around after a hot afternoon in Phoenix. This girl had a great time shooting until she accidentally sent the GPS location to her jealous boyfriend. Way worse than a butt dial. Luckily, Mr. Insecure was out of town.
Viky, our contributor from Colombia, is back. This time she took her friend, Karoll Bolivar, to the beach for some of that South American December sunshine. Today it is over 30C at this beach, which is over 80F for my American friends. Or maybe I am spreading misinformation. And what is misinformation? I thought it was all just information. I thought it was every individual's preference to accept information, from a variety of sources, and to parse the truth out on their own. Shouldn't the truth be able to stand up to all verifiably false claims? You don't owe anyone an apology, Joe.
Our favorite muse from Buenos Aires is back and she loves to clown around. The contributing photographer has the hardest time pinning down Agos for shoots. With looks like hers, I am not surprised. She is the type of woman that can make the world stop. But don't worry, I have my own secret weapons. More Agos Firenze to come. I will not be broken. Included are Agos' original submitted casting shots. The immediate response, You're hired!
Girls pantyhose very nice upskirts
Athena Heart is a free spirit from Central California. She tells me first that sex does not have any real appeal for her, that it is a waste of time. It bores her. But then, I take Athena shopping for new throw pillows and she seemingly has the time of her life flashing and doing all sorts of naughtiness in the store's parking lot. Women are complicated or maybe retail is the perfect aphrodisiac. Go figure. Yes, there is some xtra content too.
I shot these with Lily Rader last year. We snapped a few in front of a campaign headquarters for Bernie Sanders. It seems like someone forgot to inform him that the system was rigged. Hopefully, all this turmoil will only result in the country waking its ass up from under an incompetent political regime. I fail to see how drastically different a two-party system is from that with only one. Just because we can choose between Pepsi and Coke, doesn't make us free men. After the streets of Hollywood, Lily and I journeyed down to Santa Monica College, where Lily's outfit and actions did not go completely unnoticed.
Isabella Herzog in her grand finale on Zishy. She didn't need any clothes for this one and I did not insist. Who would? Isabella is charming and energetic. She is a descendent of the Tatars, which are a Turkic ethnic group that inhabited the area often associated with the Mongolian Empire. Good work, Genghis.
If you joined the site recently, you may have noticed that I offer a discount to customers paying for annual subscriptions with Bitcoin BTC. In fact, over the last two years, I have repeatedly tried to orange-pill as much of my audience as possible. The reason isn't simply because I want to see BTC prices rise. It is because I believe we all need what BTC offers. Bitcoin is immutable currency with a fixed supply limit. That means that when the banks, the government, or big tech decides that you've broken their code of conduct, they can't just shut you down financially. It also means that your government can't endlessly devalue your earnings by minting more clown dollars fiat. At least for now, you have access to a lifeline. Seize the opportunity. It recently cost me two bucks worth of BTC to transfer 1,400 of value to a friend in a war-torn country. Good luck trying to do that within the traditional banking system. Luisa is smart. She understands the difference between Bitcoin and other crypto. You're welcome very much.
"Our contributor in Colombia has this friend that is super photogenic but was dating this really jealous dickhead who would never share his gf with the internet. Vicky, the contributor, was able to capture these a while back, but had agreed not to use them until Maya's toxic relationship was over. Looks like we are in the clear now. Juan, find someone else to terrorize ... or grow up. My vote is for the latter. Part 2 very soon."
There are places in this world where humans are not told that their naked body is something to be hidden. There are places where shame is shameful. Most of us will only ever know these places as tourists. We walk down our paved streets in our manufactured clothes, breathing polluted air, drinking bottled water, looking for the next spot to charge our cell phone, and we call ourselves civilized. Katherine Prerija has yet to be convinced.
College football, NFL, FIFA World Cup. I know most spectators are busy these days, and that is fine. If it makes people happy to wear ugly clothes, watch others accomplish athletic feats, and be the subject of constant advertisement, who am I to judge? I don't get it, but whatevers. You guys do your shit. Just don't get in my way when it comes to taking provocative photos of women like Chaney Gunn. Let everyone have their peccadillos. Chaney is about as amazing as they come. Stay entertained.
Unusually hot and horny upskirts
Maybe it is a European thing, but at some restaurants and cafes, they will have blankets on hand to help their clientele stay warm. I dont even think they do that here at the Olive Garden. I was impressed. Victoria Minina also impressed me so much in this outfit, I took a boat load of photos in it at various locations. I decided to break it up the set into two parts and the second half will come tomorrow along with a bonus video. Pinky promise. Have a nice Saturday evening. Stay hip.
I am usually not a fan of having as many nude women as possible in one frame, but sometimes it is good to try new things. This is harder than it looks. Stay tuned for a video. In the meanwhile, I advise you to stack sats. This is financial advice.
"I know what you are thinking. ""OMG, she's adorable!"" See, I told ya. That was my exact reaction, too. Gabriella Noren's thick curls and speck-tacular freckles send me to the moon. We encountered dark skies, rain, and pre-flight anxiety during these photos, but we were tenacious and managed to hodge-podge an exciting update. Expect more of this unique beauty."
White panties slid down to let big cock in nub
pantyhose no panties upskirt pics
"I took a lot of photos of Penelope Kay in the mountains near Flagstaff and I think they're pretty, as she is too, so I'm gonna share them here on the site. I hope you're okay with that. Part two will drop tomorrow. Probably along with an xtra. I appreciate your attention and support. I wish all of my customers health and wealth this holiday season. Everyone else can suck a pine cone."
Boobs up blouse and horny upskirts
These are portraits of Caring Erin taken by her husband. They live in California and are bringing another human into existence. I have been following Erin's social media for a while. She is sensitive, eccentric, and seemingly uninhibited. At times, she challenges my views on beauty and sexuality. Nonetheless, her wild mind and looks command my attention. I am very grateful for the couple's contribution here and wish them luck on their new stage in life. Kiss your baby-mama if she will still let you.
Vonnie Bean somehow survives under the hot sun in Arizona. She is amazing and there is more to this adventure. So, just please be patient with ol' ZV. I also want to address a few recent requests for non-porn stars. First of all, none of them are porn stars here because they are not having sex on Zishy. A woman only becomes a porn star in your eyes because you watched her porn elsewhere. So maybe don't do that? Secondly, Zishy is a small operation. I can always use a helping hand. If you have contact with a woman that you would want to see as a model, please send her my way. Perhaps an informative link like this will help www.zishy.comcasting
Wonderful upskirts of horny teens
Brunette in sexy blue thong
Here is the return of our Russian duo, Disha Yudina and her roomiephotographer Lisa. Seems that Disha really loves those strawberry underwear. My favorite undies have lobsters and cacti on them. The language police win this one. I don't feel strongly enough to continue offending people with my crude words. For the record, I do not hate you if you are into dudes. It's cool, man. Really. I don't give a shit. I've probably done more gay stuff than most of you.
River Lynn is a super soldier that walks this earth disguised as a college student turned porn star. I made a triumphant return to Venice Beach after being banned for my stance on fried Oreos. This adventure with River reminded me why I love Venice. I photographed her extensively, often redundantly, so there will be a part two. It could come tomorrow, or possibly a year from now. Ya never know with an incompetent Harvard grad like myself. Stay tooned.
Naughty beauties awesome nude upskirt
"I could badmouth this cosmic babe plenty, but why would I want to waste my time focusing on the negative? There is so much to appreciate and be amazed by with Gia Ohmy. She gave me an exciting fashion show upon her arrival. Take a seat and enjoy her seat."
Chaney Gunn is back and looking delicious. Is it ok to say that about a woman? It is hard to keep up with all the guidelines for the hypersensitive. Don't worry everybody. Zach Venice loves you. That's kinda my thing. Maybe you gambled away your family's life savings on the crypto market, maybe you burned down a church or two, maybe you once killed someone by accident, maybe you tasted some of the brain. It's all good. These things happen. As long as you are a paid Zishy subscriber, I accept you. All monsters welcome. Cashapp and Venmo payment now available.
Sexy girl in tight jeans
"I like Luci Pineda. She reminds me of this really sweet girl I used to know. I should have given her a chance, but I was too distracted by street ballin' and the rap game. Now that I have made more paper than I can spend and courted an endless list of thirsty bitches, I think I'm ready for someone like Luci. Someone who is going to slow life down for me. I have learned that the word 'love' is an empty container, only filled by kindness towards others and most importantly, towards ourselves. -Horst Simco"
Part 2 video poetic notes coming tomorrow. Must enjoy Saturday for now.
Alevtina Batman is one of the women that I show to potential models before a shoot. Her willingness to interact with the camera is exemplary and instinctual. She brought me to her local health food store for a quick bite. Then, Alevtina showed me around her neighborhood in Moscow. Generally, when I visit this part of the world, I am enjoying the tranquility of a small town setting. But after a while, I start to crave the anonymity and give-zero-fux mentality of a crowded city. Alevtina concurs. A natural performer like her deserves a large audience.
accidental downblouse picture gallery
Down blouse teen boasts huge boobs
Samadhi Amour. What an odd name. One day I might Google it and find out what it means. Not today though. Today I am concerned with more important matters. I am focusing on my breathing. Cold air in. Warm air out. That sure does feel good. What would you feel in the presence of Samadhi? Would you feel lust? Appreciation? Apathy? Inadequacy? Anger? A beauty like hers will teach you a lot about yourself. The path we take is often guided by our attitude. I might not always have a great one, but I am learning to adjust it. That's one thing we must all hold onto. The desire to learn. Dig it, man? -Charlie
"Daphne Dare invites us into her quiet, pink chambers for this intimate session. Her room is filled with all things girly, including a cat, sewing machine, countless stuffies, a large bottle of coconut rum, and mandatory massage wand. I could tell right away that this was her safe space, its own little world that she doesn't regularly share with just anyone. Thanks, Daphne. Part 2 tomorrow."
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Lyndie Brittain returns starting with some lost images in that yellow bodysuit. The truth is that I have permanently lost sets of photos in the past. And when that happens, it bums me out like no other. So you might imagine how it feels when I find something that I thought was a goner. From my prior work with Lyndie, I managed to get a gig shooting her for a whiskey brand. I'll share those with you eventually. I don't think the company loved my performance, but luckily my livelihood does not depend on my ability to please a marketing department. Even though I did feel slightly icky afterwards, they paid well and I received two complimentary cases of tasty whiskey. Great for re-gifting to the family and friends.
Today I'd like you to enjoy another head of curly hair, but this time from a different part of the world. A savage place where if you walk into a doctor's office, they can and will tell you how much a particular treatment costs. So primitive, right? For those of you outside the US, Americans never know how much a medical service will run until weeks later, as the bills start to arrive in the mail. This is how polite society works. Anyways, we have our contributor, Vika, to thank for this update of the standout Moscow resident, Solana Bardell. Take it easy.
Regan Budimir and Olena Kozich are friends, I think. They probably hang out and go to the movies. Maybe they saw the new Avatar together. Your guess is as good as mine. I just know that they are both beautiful and seek excitement. Unquestionably, they shared a thrill or two for us at Zishy. Hope you get yourself a handful this weekend. z.
Babes' turning on panties recorded in every position
Playing nude nub up very short dress
This segment of our show is brought to you by Dollar General. They meet all your essential grocery needs at any one of their 16,000 locations. Need vegetables? Corn chips, aisle eight. No teeth? No problem. Soak those crispy veggies in your favorite energy drink from aisle five. Been hitting the gym for that summer bod? Stock up on protein from the canned meat selection in aisle six. I had to drive out to the sticks for Luna Fey, but she is worth it. Fuck speed traps though.
"Here we have over six and a half minutes of video with the ridiculous Samadhi Amour. She dances, shakes, and strips for all humanity to admire. I wager that this experience will travel to the far reaches of the internet for generations to come, as it should. I want my great grandchildren to behold Samadhi's beauty. And try to relax, this isn't the last you and I will be seeing of her."
Aria Sky wolfed down the cupcake faster than I had planned. I wanted to get a few more messy shots, maybe a video, but that chocolate goodness was screaming her name. And anyways, this leaves more sploshing ground for Zishy to cover. Since these were taken, Aria has been on hiatus from modeling. I'm not sure where she is or how she is doing, but my invitation for her to return remains open. Drown out the hate, Aria. The world will catch up.
This is Kristina Proxy shot by our Ukrainian contributor, Alina. I am glad to know and communicate with humans who are at the center of this disgusting war. The struggle is real. It makes me sick to think that there are people on each side profiting off the ongoing destruction. Thank god that these scoundrels are not the ones who hold any real power and can control the information and narrative. Thank god we all know who the good guys and the bad guys are. Thank god everything is so clear and no one needs to question anything. We just have to hang our flags, send our money, and trust that it will all be over soon. We got this. More Kristina in a future update. For those wondering about the change of looks mid-set, I kindly asked Alina to show us Kristina without makeup after her first upload.
Sometimes I tell the contributing photographer to just have fun. It appears that is what happened here with Alina and Hanna Nasochi. It looks convincing. They venture out on a snowy night to bring us shots in public, then take us back to Hanna's home where she lets us in on some important news. She's expecting and will photograph again with Alina as her body changes. Perhaps these women are only pretending to have fun for us. Meh, good enough for me. Hbu?
I really enjoyed Middlesex. The novel follows one family across different eras and under some of the strangest circumstances. The topics of incest and hermaphroditism could have easily been used to shock the reader. And although their explorations are shocking, I am ultimately drawn in by the human and historical aspects of the narrative. I really hate to agree with Oprah on this one, but it is a great book. Minka Giertz is also pretty great. There will be more of her soon.
Aurora Zvezda wanted to do some shopping and immediately I thought of Buffalo Exchange in Santa Monica. They buy select used clothes from the public and sell them back at reasonable prices. They also don't seem to mind if you're an attractive female wearing a fairly transparent sweater with nothing underneath. I purchased Aurora a short skirt and top and we decided to put them to use at a local drugstore, commando-style. It didn't take long for the Walgreens' employees to get suspicious. We made our purchase and went back to Aurora's to enjoy some of the Devil's cabbage. But remember, good people don't use marijuana.
Adam from the Czech Republic is back with another European-beauty-turned-erotic-star, Nicole Love. He froze her buns off for a bit on the streets of Prague, then took her back home for some Terry Richardson bedtime stories. I am puzzled by anyone who shoots with Terry and expects their limits not to be pushed. If you hang out with a self-proclaimed, world-renowned freak, things are probably going to get freaky. Puritans need not apply.
girls upskirt ass picture gallery
It is nice that some people go to college and devote their energy towards building respectable careers. Some of which include insurance broker, government program manager, linguist, and commercial real estate agent. Then there are people like me, who come to your city and hire open-minded young women to be photographed for their smutty website. Hey, at least I made it through Sober October. Chapel Hill was nice. Fawn Richfield was nicer.
Here is the final album from my time in Atlanta. I hope that I have a reason to return soon. Dee Richards is as sweet as the mulberries which grow on the side of its roads. Dee wanted to keep her breasts from being exposed on the internet. I agreed on the condition that she would allow us to adore her perfect bare bottom. I am reminded of the Rolling Stones. You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime you'll find you get what you need.
"You are not supposed to be able to get Coca Cola products in Russia. Well, good luck with that. I'm probably not even supposed to bring you these photos of forbidden Russian women. And that Telegram guy, the one who was arrested in France, you know what his real crime was? His app gives people the ability to communicate with each other without letting the government listen in on the conversation. Seriously, when is enough going to be enough? ""Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist."" — Pablo Picasso"
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