Upskirt pics
"These two are a fun pair that Max captures for us in Kyiv. Rachel Veiss is the brunette and Beglie Skipper is the blonde. Guess there is way more than a goldmine of critical minerals in the region that might interest U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham. Poor Lindsey. He has said, ""I never found time to meet the right girl, or the right girl was smart enough not to have time for me."" If only he lived in Ukraine. Anyways, more from the bedroom coming soon. Don't fret."
Paula Swenson is back and this time we took our show to the streets of Santa Monica. Paula was starving so we grabbed a couple of pies at 800 Degrees. Then I wanted to validate my claim that Brookstone sells vibrators. Paula did not believe me. Oh wait, that's a targeted personal massage device. My bad. My mind is always in the gutter. Judging by the couple spotted towards the end of this gallery, we were not the only ones up to mischief.
Public upskirt pictures
Naughty Brides upskirt photos
Upskirt stockings stunning cam view
Today I have decided to take this site to the next level. No more worthless artistic integrity. I only have one goal now: to pursue the mighty dollar. I deserve an estate like that which belongs to Fawn Richfield's family. Money might not make me happy, but it will make me powerful and power makes me hard. So what's the difference? From now on, you will be entertained by the most refined ass in the most polished Bentleys here at Zishy. You may not be able to relate, but you will be able to envy. We are going Sizzler up in this motherfucker. Be ready.
Hey hey. Today, we head down south again to admire Karoll Bolivar and her bright smile. It serves as a great reminder to try and do the same here in the first world. Have a pleasant Friday, or at least fake it.
Girl shows ass up skirt in public
I don't have many guy friends. Men are mostly NPCs in my world. No matter the size of the endeavor, my motivation always seems to be the opposite sex. From combing my hair, to brushing my teeth, to learning a new language, I only think about the next nameless beauty who I want to impress. This finely-tuned body which I have literally spent years at gyms perfecting, I could not care less if another male even slightly admires it. I do it all for the girls. -Lou Ferrigno
I love reading. I actually enjoy anything that pulls my eyes away from one of these screens. I know you are here for the pretty girls and the boobs and ass, and I hope they bring you a lot of entertainment, but I also want to share some great advice which was given during one of Tim Welch's wiser moments. He stressed the importance of relationships, honesty, and health. The first two, I have no idea what he's talking about, but I agree with his sentiment that health leads to happiness. And health of the mind is equally, if not more important than health of the body. Getting through a good book is a perfect way to exercise, and rest your mind. Plus, your wife will probably bitch a lot less when she finds a book in your hands, as opposed to a phone or game controller.
"I have many regrets about my younger days. Mostly they stem from wasting time on stupid shit like TV, movies, video games, spectator sports, etc. I should have focused more energy on developing useful skills like skateboarding, running scams, speaking Mandarin or explosive-making. It took me a while, but I finally realized that in order to get anything meaningful out of life, I needed to become a hunter. No one was going to give me the rabbits of this world. I had to learn how to catch them for myself. I hope you know how to get yours."
Here's more of the incredible Minka Giertz looking fabulous in elegant black lingerie, along with a bonus video. It is kinda hard not to love her, so don't even try. I want to thank everyone reading this for not being satisfied with mediocre smut. There are millions of free nudies on the internet, yet you keep coming back to Zishy. Ever wonder why? Good taste. That's the secret. You guys have it. Congrats.
Hannah Tarley is a sweet girl with a soft, gentle look. There is at least one guy who has hit me up on multiple occasions requesting more Hannah. I hope these images will abate his desire for a minute. Or maybe they will anger and confuse him. Maybe he doesn't like his women playing with sharp objects. Maybe his ex once held him at knife-point swearing she would slice his dick off if she ever caught him eyefucking the neighbor's ass again. She has quite a file on him. She could get him in a lot of trouble. He better fall in fucking line or prepare himself for a world of hurt. Hey, anything is possible. Goodnight.
Checkered skirt up fancy
pantie hose under skirt foto
People always ask me where I find such incredible women to take photos of. I wish there was one answer. I wish it was as easy as walking into a store and choosing an item off the shelf. But no, this is not the case. Some parts of this job actually take a lot of legwork. I had to reshape my own personality in order to achieve any success as a photographer. Women like Yeraz Gebeshian aren't going to trust just any asshole with a camera. I had to learn some manners. Money helps too.
When I was a young buck, I used to have a respectable p0rn collection on my hard drive. One of my favorite videos was of a performer that went by the name Paisley Adams. In this video, she asked to get spanked harder and harder as her male counterpart obliged. Eventually, the pain got to a level where Paisley could no longer put up her tough girl front and had to break the fourth wall. I recall a very real OWWW! I appreciate strange subtle details like that. Please hit me up if you have this video. Anyways, here's a different Paisley for you. Night-night.
Nude upskirts of celebs spied on cam
Happy Halloween, guys. Someone asked me if I was gonna have a Halloween-themed update. I decided against this. I'm already sick of girls putting on hookered-up, cheap-ass, synthetic costumes pretending to be a slut for one day of the year. These women are cowards. I'm a fan of those perennial freaks who can do it in jeans and a sweater. If you're like me, Penelope Kay is your gal. She has this wholesome charm on the exterior, but inside is as wild and uninhibited as they come. Stick around and you'll get to see more.
Erotic upskirts secretly voyeured
A nude babe at the Kasuni
"This update starts off with Lissa Mendez looking serious, to be honest, possibly even a little pissed. Gradually, we see her loosen up in front of our eyes. That million dollar smile reemerges, and all is right again in the universe. I don't know the entire story behind it, but along with you, I look forward to downloading more information on Lissa in part two. Together we will get to the bottom of this. See ya tomorrow. Z"
Superb lingerie thumbs of hotties
Teen asses in lingerie look sexy
pantyhose panties candid upskirt foto
Athena Heart is the type of person who jumps at the opportunity to smoke some herb on a Monday morning and take dirty photos. For that reason alone, she is on my Awesome list. Athena is proud of her current figure. She says she used to be quite a bit heavier and led an unhealthy lifestyle. Good for her, although I still would have enjoyed photographing her at the previous weight. Stay honest.
We were in a crunch for time and Adriene Macedo's social anxiety started kicking in, so rather than assault customers at REI for staring at her, I proposed that we take pictures inside Adriene's car. She was down. Besides being beautiful. Adriene is an avid reader of outsider perspectives, like Graham Hancock. She is also big into conspiracy theories. For example, like that the Reagan administration sold weapons to Iran, or that there was a harmful virus in the polio vaccine, or that there weren't actually any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. What a kook. But still, look into it.
Anna Kournikova's dirty gallery!
Bella Rose returns. You might know her as a porn actress, but to me, she is an ambitious woman who decided to get the hell away from her small-town upbringing. It's very easy to judge others online. Trust me, I also find humans quite tiresome after browsing for a few minutes on social media. But I remind myself that negative energy is only going to attract more negative energy. The world doesn't need more complainers. Maybe that is exactly what got us in this mess. Maybe we aren't even in a mess. Embrace the suck.
Ivanna has returned and loves showing off her nimble legs. I think this woman loves the color yellow. See her previous update. Her curves are bananas!
Here are a few bonus pics and a video to go along with Marcela's previous update. Stay chill.
Up skirt stockings and panty view
Very nice fatty asses up the skirts
"Here is part two of my adventure with Meadow Brink in Wisconsin. The truth is that Meadow was more affected by the cold than myself. Not sure how that is possible since she is native, but I guess it happens. While I was there, I noticed that snow, ice, and cold had lost their luster to the community. There's a point where it stops being fun and simply becomes a dreaded burden. Although I have spent more time with Meadow than most other models, this special woman has yet to lose her shine."
Sylvia Belotti is the Italian prime minister's niece. Her family tries to keep their wild child under wraps, but that has proven to be an impossible task. Hey guys, let the woman pursue her swimsuit modeling dreams. What is this, the Middle Ages? I hope I'm allowed to re-enter Italy one day.
When you ask a woman if she is hungry and she says, a little, then you better get some food quick! The answer is never a simple, yes. It is usually something like, mother fucker why didn't you get me food when I said I was hungry?, referring to when she said a little. More of my profound insight and more of the extra-tasty Vonnie Bean to come. Shout-out to Bianchi's in Tucson. Bye Bye.
This is from our newest contributor in Latin America, Danny. He met Ileana Burgos at a crypto conference last year. She told him that she had always wanted to give modeling a try, but that her boyfriend forbade it. Guess that lucky dude's opinion has changed or is no longer of any importance ... and he is not quite so lucky anymore. Or maybe it is just because the crypto market is currently in the goddamn toilet. Whatever it is, Ileana has me busting through walls like the Kool-aid Man saying, Ohhhh, yeah!
Erna is another true specimen of female beauty. She has great hips and seems quite hip. I doubt I would have been able to sit with her or her crowd at the high school lunchroom. That's okay. I now have all that I need.
Tall and leggy Sloan Kendricks needed to pick up some things at the mall, so I rudely invited myself along. Her poor crop top could barely cover a few inches of her expansive torso. Oddly enough, no one complained. Sloan is sweet and playful and her figure could not have been bestowed on a more modest individual. Enjoy watching grown-ass men play with a ball tonight. CX Kidtronik's Big Girl Skinny Girl is the track in the changing room video.
Morgan Attwood took me to the main street of her quaint town outside of San Jose. We covered the major attractions within minutes, but settled on tickling Morgan's sweet tooth with some raspberry gelato. Morgan is bright, energetic and confident with her sexuality. She vaguely reminds me of Phoebe, the character from 'Friends'. However, Morgan is much more tolerable than asinine one-liners and an abhorrent laugh track. Despite Morgan's less-than-stellar review of the Nissan Leaf, I was surprised at what we were able to accomplish in her backseat.
Here are more adventures from Spain with Madeline Escobar. It took a minute for me to get used to the accepted nudity at the beach, but once I did, I realized how fucked up the rest of the world is. Thank you for the perspective, Barcelona. One more update of Madeline in your future if you stay tuned to Elon Musk's favorite internet site, Zishy.
This is gonna sound crazy, but there are days when I feel like God has a crush on me. She totally wants to spoil me and grant every one of my wishes. This was one of those days. Ariel Gossimer is a smart, talented, and insanely beautiful woman. She is the type of person that I meet and think to myself, Yeah she's pretty but she is never gonna model for you. Well, lo and behold, I was wrong again. The opportunity presented itself and I leaped. I will probably be hit by a bus soon. More to come of Ariel, as long as I remain intact.
"Our contributor in Colombia has this friend that is super photogenic but was dating this really jealous dickhead who would never share his gf with the internet. Vicky, the contributor, was able to capture these a while back, but had agreed not to use them until Maya's toxic relationship was over. Looks like we are in the clear now. Juan, find someone else to terrorize ... or grow up. My vote is for the latter. Part 2 very soon."
celebrity upskirt nipslip photos
Panties seen up the cute mini skirts
Public tits and upskirt demonstration
"I know what you are thinking. ""OMG, she's adorable!"" See, I told ya. That was my exact reaction, too. Gabriella Noren's thick curls and speck-tacular freckles send me to the moon. We encountered dark skies, rain, and pre-flight anxiety during these photos, but we were tenacious and managed to hodge-podge an exciting update. Expect more of this unique beauty."
Angela White started this day off with an adventurous stroll through Bed Bath Beyond. I became nostalgic for the time I was here with another notorious beauty, Belle Knox. That was years ago and it was before Belle made national headlines. This time, I was with an experienced professional, which is not my usual preference. But a real pro, like Angela, understands that I am after something unique, authentic, and unguarded. She delivered. By my estimation, Angela enjoyed shooting without her typical safety net of a studio environment. After the store, we hit the beach. You can catch that shortly in part two.
"I took a lot of photos of Penelope Kay in the mountains near Flagstaff and I think they're pretty, as she is too, so I'm gonna share them here on the site. I hope you're okay with that. Part two will drop tomorrow. Probably along with an xtra. I appreciate your attention and support. I wish all of my customers health and wealth this holiday season. Everyone else can suck a pine cone."
Thank you for sending the well wishes while I was under the weather. Here is a contributor update from Vicky in Colombia. These are actually the first set of photos she sent me of Luisa Medrano. The update is softer in nature than a lot of Zishy, but it still illustrates why I contracted much further exploration into Luisa's beauty. Hope you guys are having a decent week. Talk soon.
Teens with hot butts up skirt images
Sylvia Belotti was one of the contestants in this year's quarantine challenge. I photographed her in Italy and she was beyond amazing on every level. This set almost got cut short as evident in the last few frames. But tomorrow you'll see how Sylvia and I responded.
As promised, here is a video of Kerin Metzger. I wish her luck and hope she returns to us safely after her adventures as a Christian missionary in Central America. A woman like her is on a very short list of reasons for me to ever crack open a Bible.
celebrity upskirt panties gallery
More Helga Amor from Ukraine, brought to us by Maksym. Instead of reading to my opinions on topics that I know nothing about, I implore those of you with extra time and open minds to listen to this interview What do you think? Is he full of shit? Have a great weekend. Stay skeptical.
Here is another beauty in high demand. Maddie Crump makes her triumphant return. I shot her in sweet ol' LA. Sometimes I miss that place, but then I think of the traffic, the rent, the homeless, the taxes, the fires, the lack of good barbecue, and well, then I remember I can always visit. So that is what I did. Maddie is definitely a great reason to visit. She is full of life and courage. I believe she said her regular job is as an elderly care worker. Getting old might not be so bad after all.
I am back in action with Katherine Prerija. She uses Microsoft Windows and I dig that. Apple still confounds me with its decision to forgo touch screens on their laptops. Retarded isn't the word because that would make me insensitive. It is fucking stupid. If you happen to be an Apple guy, I am sure there is something else you can appreciate of Katherine's. She has many nice gifts.
Artistic, playful, captivating, beautiful--Vicky hit it out of the park on this update with Valery Ponce. Her photography immediately transports us to Colombia. You might come here for the nudie pics, but you get so much more. I also give great advise to subscribers. The other day some gentleman wrote me asking if the person he found on a Czech escort site was legitimately one of the Zishy models. Certainly the pics were, but I bet my two left nuts that whoever might arrive at his doorstep would be a far cry from a looker. I told him to stay away from these scams, save your money and just jerk it.
Happy Mother's Day, guys. Here is my finale with Ophelia Palentine. In many ways, she is a dream come true. I hope she is doing swell. I hope she is making progress on the social justice frontlines. I hope that the good guys win. I hope we all one day live under a BLM black flag with a colorful rainbow smack dab in the middle of it. I hope the radical opposition suffers dearly and is burnt to a crisp. We will finally live in peace and harmony. No borders. No taboos. Acceptance. Pure acceptance. And love. Ahhh, one can dream.
celebrity upskirt cameltoe photos
"I could badmouth this cosmic babe plenty, but why would I want to waste my time focusing on the negative? There is so much to appreciate and be amazed by with Gia Ohmy. She gave me an exciting fashion show upon her arrival. Take a seat and enjoy her seat."
A video of the hygienic Ira Sedina as promised.
"I like Luci Pineda. She reminds me of this really sweet girl I used to know. I should have given her a chance, but I was too distracted by street ballin' and the rap game. Now that I have made more paper than I can spend and courted an endless list of thirsty bitches, I think I'm ready for someone like Luci. Someone who is going to slow life down for me. I have learned that the word 'love' is an empty container, only filled by kindness towards others and most importantly, towards ourselves. -Horst Simco"
Mermaid Stephanie Seymour
Sasha Apex spends a lot of time working on her body. She is fit and flexible. Her years of hard work have definitely paid off. I only go to the gym to take selfies and watch old Marvel movies in the cardio theater. Some people say this life is meaningless. Some people don't take enough drugs.
Keisha Grey takes me to one of her favorite coffeecigar shops for some caffeine and a Cuban sandwich. I learned that Keisha also shares a liking to the absurdist rock band, Primus. This woman understands great bass-playing and apparently can wail on one herself. We decided to form a band. We will call ourselves the Cuban Eggroll. Soon, you'll be able to stream our music for free. I can't wait.
Happy Thanksgiving, fellow gravy guzzlers. This year, Zishy is featuring a feast from Colombia. Here is Valery Ponce photographed by our contributor, Viky. Her bloodlines trace all the way back to the wonderful people that the Europeans encountered upon arriving to the Americas. Sure, they enslaved and massacred many of Valery's ancestors, but they also brought a beautiful language and religion in exchange for the reasonable price of obedience and gold. This year, I'm thankful that I mostly have mass shootings to worry about in these enlightened, more-civil times. Make sure you wear a goofy grin between mouthfuls of that boring ass turkey dinner. Tradition rips.
Set the bar high. I have probably been rejected by more people than you have ever met. I have been told that my photography is shit, that my taste is shit, that my existence is abhorrent. Yet, here I am. Telling you to set the bar high. Encouraging you to keep pushing for your dreams. Some of mine have come true and I sure am glad that I have not given up. Judge yourself by the small victories that you are able to achieve each day. Play the long game. Order the pineapple fried rice. Get the extra peanut sauce, but only if you earned it. Lacole Sawyer had never tried Thai food. She became a fan.
Freda Motten says she loves sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. She grew up listening to bands like Led Zeppelin, Nazareth, Deep Purple, and ACDC in Russia. But even still, she has a shy side that apparently gets lost when you ask her to move her ex-ballerina body. The feet, the bruises, they all tell the story of a seasoned dancer. Ball and Biscuit by the White Stripes is the track in the bonus video.
Here is the second half of my shoot with Mercedes Llano. You may recall her photos in the streets of Downtown Los Angeles. After those, we wrestled with traffic on the 101 to get to her rented room in Hollywood. The view from its windows was awful, unless you were looking in. The private setting allowed me to photograph Mercedes wearing much less than outdoors. I felt Mercedes grow shy for a moment, but that was short-lived.
Olivia Yukon's updates are sponsored by me, Zach Venice. I discovered her years ago on social media and knew right away that she is special. It took months of patient correspondence to convince Olivia that I am a kind and respectful human being, and that I do in fact take pervy pictures seriously. In person, I was surprised by Olivia's goofier side. She isn't quick to react to most of my humor, but I don't take this personally. Ever so often, Olivia lets her Russian emotional shields down and cracks a smile. Probably reluctantly.
Vicky Chandler is laid back and genuinely loves showing off her natural body. We photographed at her home in Texas. Vicky says that her neighbors love her. Somehow I'm not surprised. And most women prefer to wear knickers under their pantyhose, but Vicky is not one of them. I generally avoid conflict with the models, so there you have it.
Brazen public upskirt
hot ass upskirt pictures
"Daphne Dare invites us into her quiet, pink chambers for this intimate session. Her room is filled with all things girly, including a cat, sewing machine, countless stuffies, a large bottle of coconut rum, and mandatory massage wand. I could tell right away that this was her safe space, its own little world that she doesn't regularly share with just anyone. Thanks, Daphne. Part 2 tomorrow."
"Here we have over six and a half minutes of video with the ridiculous Samadhi Amour. She dances, shakes, and strips for all humanity to admire. I wager that this experience will travel to the far reaches of the internet for generations to come, as it should. I want my great grandchildren to behold Samadhi's beauty. And try to relax, this isn't the last you and I will be seeing of her."
Gorgeous outdoor upskirt amusement
Alejandra Cobos is a young woman with an astonishingly beautiful face. She is from my hometown of El Paso. I was visiting family members there over the holidays and decided to look for some kindred spirits in this Texas border town. Well, Feliz Navidad Mr. Venice. Santa delivered and then some. Alejandra seems shy at first, but it doesn't take much to get her going. And once she does, good luck keeping up. ¿Quieres más? No problemo.
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