Amateur upskirt [ Total 1513 galleries]
Happy Friday. For you guys only interested in nudity, you will be disappointed with this update. But I am ok with it. Olya Derkach is worthy of making certain exceptions. She is photographed here by Yura in Ukraine. Olya just turned nineteen and was ready to try her hand at provocative modeling. Plus, Yura promised her anything she wanted at the summer fair, so that helps. There is a 45 minute video of her eating a funnel cake covered in cherries and syrup, but I won't bore you with that. I will save it for the Zach Venice private collection. Sorry, boys! I am only kidding, but I wish I wasn't. I could watch Olya do anything. More of this rare gem in our future.
You might not be able to buy a yacht, or bribe your way out of a DUI, or have your enemies accidentally suicided, but you can probably afford a Might Fine burger, and that is almost just as good. So when you need to feed a hungry young woman, do not cheap out and go to Whataburger, or Sonic, or some other grade D meat factory. Drop a twenty and roll the dice. You may just be offered a mighty fine piece of ass for dessert. Welcome Kerin Metzger. She quit her repressive upbringing to bring us some thrills.
This is the first part of my finale with Carrie Barber. Carrie either still remains brainwashed by the mask mandates from during the pandemic, or these photos have been patiently awaiting publication. Pick your fantasy. As you can see, it was a hot day in Texas and Carrie's adventurous spirit was in full effect. See you tomorrow with part two, including video. Travel update I have made it safely to my destination. I've already been asked my views on the war. I said governments fight, while most people simply want to live.
Notes and video coming by tomorrow.
I meant to publish this update yesterday, but I am currently traveling across Europe. I will soon reach my destination, which may or may not welcome my western presence. We shall see. But after, there will be less snags in my schedule. Promise. Someone asked me, so you even have to work while on vacation? To which I replied, my work is so good that I dont need a vacation. Am I supposed to take a break from meeting and photographing women like Reina Rae? Cmon. I dread vacations. You know how hard it is to travel and admire the female wonders that I can not photograph in this way? Painful is an understatement. No matter which path a life takes, there is always plenty of pain to embrace.
No, my n words, I did not watch the latest series on Netflix or Hulu or whatever. I don't care how Spiderboy was made or if the new Batman is transgender or if MGK is on the spectrum. Why would I waste my time on nonsense that doesn't change my life? I watch Zishy. That's it. I focus on popping boners, stacking Sats, and cementing my legacy at the gym. Do what you dig. I dig Hazel Moore.
I want to share more photos of Jade Baker walking around in public in essentially only a long tank top and heels. It was her idea of a stimulus check, even before Covid. I guess she is ahead of her time. Jade also does a hell of a job filling out her matching white lingerie set in the second half of the update. Stay hopeful. I think we are gonna be fine. Jajaja.
Nasty beauty of amateur upskirts
Enjoy part two, you beautiful motherfuckers.
My instagram was deactivated again. They said my account had sexually suggestive content. Yeah, we can't have any of that on the interwebs. Anyways, I just created another one which I will keep ultra-tame and use only for informative purposes. Follow zishylives on IG or just keep following realzishy on Twitter. Here is Jessica Albanka in her grand finale on Zishy. I would be down to work with her again, but who knows when international travel will return to 2019 standards. Fuckit, Imma begin my career as a carpenter. Deuces.
Welcome to Better Times Cafe. We serve you women like Lana Lane who is a stunning female specimen from Ukraine. She is brought to us by our contributor, Max. Here at our establishment, we do not discuss war or politics or anything that will upset you. We do not care about those things. We care about boobs, boners, and money. That's it. Have a seat and enjoy the warm cozy environment. The human suffering that you hear outside will pass. It always does. Just relax, indulge yourself on the goodies, and remember to pay your bill before you go. Thank you! -Management
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, even if you are alone in a cave somewhere jerkin' it to these pics of beautiful young ladies. You are a gift to the universe and baby Jesus loves you. Even if you thought about handing out poisoned cookies to the neighborhood carolers, your existence matters. 2024 is gonna be a rough one so try to make these last days count. Spend time with family. Eat some tasty food. Put on a smile and be merry. Lissa Mendez is pretty, ain't she?
Marcela Gaona took me to the Motherland Monument in Ukraine. It truly is a beautiful country. I can see why so many are willing to fight over it. Even though it is not your typical tourist hotspot, Ukraine is rich in culture, great food, and natural resources. Most of its citizens seem kind and friendly, just like Marcela. Hopefully after this conflict passes, there will remain a pleasant destination for asshole foreigners to visit. War sucks.
The story with Chase Jenaro is that she wanted to make some extra money exploring her kinky side before she left for boot camp. Chase had enlisted in the military a few months prior and had worked hard to get her body into shape. She felt a renewed confidence and wanted to showcase her results. I eagerly accepted the opportunity. There will be more to come of this brave beauty. Go easy on the holiday cookies!
Real amateur upskirt with girl in red panty flashing pussy
This was a wonderful day that came as a surprise. I was in Portland for my uncle's funeral, so the circumstances weren't great. Patsy Ford invited me to her place and lifted my spirits with her charms. Part 2 with bonus video coming tomorrow. Have a great weekend.
Girl shows ass up skirt in public
You guys want the inside baseball? Photographing Emily Right in public, without makeup was not a great decision on my part. In my defense, I had no idea it was going to be such an issue. I always ask the women to check out the site and I go over what to expect. Nonetheless, she wasn't feeling it so we had to bail after only a few minutes. Trying to get a smile from her was like trying to get my 5-year-old to watch The Shining with me. Very tricky. Once we were out of anyone's view though, back at the car, Emily opened up and felt more at ease. I still find her very attractive and appreciate her efforts. Later, I will bring you more of her from the safety of indoors. Live and learn, except I'm not sure what I learned.
Part 2 video poetic notes coming tomorrow. Must enjoy Saturday for now.
It was a wonderful afternoon. I was scrolling on my phone, sitting in my bean bag chair, I had just eaten my afternoon edible. Then, incoming SMS. Amber Moore Hey, wanna hit up a trail? I'm dying to get naked in nature. Zach Oh, alright. But bring a couple of dresses too. No rest for the wicked.
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I would like to apologize to all my competition who sets out to achieve similar goals. Oh wait, there isn't any. Just the same, sorry for setting the bar so high. More than anything, I credit my persistence and wealth of apathy towards convention. You shouldn't be able to create such results with such women. I didn't care. I kept pushing and will keep on pushing. I love this land and I love Claudia Veneza. Viva Italia. -George Clooney
Public tits and upskirt demonstration
Our PNW contributor, Anthony, spent an afternoon with Lady Noire in her apartment. She reveals that she idolizes Marilyn Monroe. I looked Marilyn up on Pornhub and couldn't find many vids. I guess she is more of a cam model. Oh well. I am kidding of course. I know Ms. Monroe was that lady the president killed because she wouldn't keep her mouth shut about Roswell. Look into it.
Here's more of the incredible Minka Giertz looking fabulous in elegant black lingerie, along with a bonus video. It is kinda hard not to love her, so don't even try. I want to thank everyone reading this for not being satisfied with mediocre smut. There are millions of free nudies on the internet, yet you keep coming back to Zishy. Ever wonder why? Good taste. That's the secret. You guys have it. Congrats.
I had such a great time shooting these with Emberlynn. I truly must have done something fantastic in a previous life. I hope you guys get to achieve this level of satisfaction in your own journeys. She entertained all my ideas. No makeup. No fakelashes. Sneaky public nudity. No problem. Women are beautiful. Some of them, I've met some shitty ones too.
I am back in action with Katherine Prerija. She uses Microsoft Windows and I dig that. Apple still confounds me with its decision to forgo touch screens on their laptops. Retarded isn't the word because that would make me insensitive. It is fucking stupid. If you happen to be an Apple guy, I am sure there is something else you can appreciate of Katherine's. She has many nice gifts.
Part two as promised and fulfilling orders on her xtra tomorrow. Patsy is a quiet girl with a loud sexuality. I'm a fan.
Athena Heart is a free spirit from Central California. She tells me first that sex does not have any real appeal for her, that it is a waste of time. It bores her. But then, I take Athena shopping for new throw pillows and she seemingly has the time of her life flashing and doing all sorts of naughtiness in the store's parking lot. Women are complicated or maybe retail is the perfect aphrodisiac. Go figure. Yes, there is some xtra content too.
Teens with hot butts up skirt images
Welcome back! Sylvia Belotti is quite a character. She might be crazy, but she might also be living a happy life. So, pick your poison. Please send me links to all the crazy AND beautiful women you know. I will pay them much better than 15hr. Kids, stay in school unless you're as beautiful as Sylvia.
I took these with Athena Fleurs in over 100F heat. This has become the norm for Austin in the summer. We haven't had rain in what seems like forever. They call it a heat dome. I call it a test. Let's see who bitches first. Despite popular thought, complaining does not make weather like this feel more pleasant. That's why I appreciate Athena so much. She doesn't moan about what she can't control. She takes matters into her own hands and strips out of her clothes and lets me take pictures. Brilliant!
Isabella Herzog in her grand finale on Zishy. She didn't need any clothes for this one and I did not insist. Who would? Isabella is charming and energetic. She is a descendent of the Tatars, which are a Turkic ethnic group that inhabited the area often associated with the Mongolian Empire. Good work, Genghis.
This is simply a voluptuous woman having loads of fun splashing in the sea at dusk. I will fully admit that this set could be more consolidated, but I was determined to capture Vyeta's energy for as long as it lasted. And it lasted a long while. Vyeta was cold before she even got in the water, but she strikes me as a person who realizes that her time on this earth is limited, so she better make the most of it. Don't stay comfortable.
This is when I went to the acid-induced Evropeysky shopping mall with Kari Pitinova. She also gave me a tour of one of Moscow's ornate subway stations. Kari enjoys group dance nights at the park in the summer. She probably thought I was strange, like so many others do, but I am really trying to fit into this psychotic universe. I promise. My therapist says just a few more months and I should start seeing some major progress. Anyways, I am super-grateful she gave Zishy a go. More to come.
Introducing Melba Chastain. Her eyes were so distracting that I ended up forgetting my camera bag at this health food store in Santa Monica. Fortunately for me, even an evil place like LA still has some good people in it. The bag was returned and I lived another day to create captivating smut for the world. More Melba to come.
As promised, here is a video of Kerin Metzger. I wish her luck and hope she returns to us safely after her adventures as a Christian missionary in Central America. A woman like her is on a very short list of reasons for me to ever crack open a Bible.
Sometimes I visit Costco for the sole purpose of cooling off in their dairy section. I pass my time reading product labels and watching my exhaled breath condense. After about 15 minutes, my mood is lifted into a manic state. I make my way out the store through the crowds of sad, unhealthy people and into the blinding Texas sun. Paradise. There's something about extremes that fascinates me. I hope you can appreciate Ivanna Ershova's finale on Zishy. Be back soon.
Here is a set of additional photos that go with yesterday's gallery. Since I took these pics, Vlada has gone on to marry and have a kid, possibly two. I know that many of you would prefer that every Zishy model look like some bubbly TikTok star with an equally bubbly body. Well, this is not always possible. And how many of these e-thots that we all swoon over are even of legal age? With a woman like Vlada, you can appreciate someone who never had any modeling experience and probably never will in the future. Also, I can not recall once Vlada bemoaning the elements. That's aces in my book. Stay human.
Balboa Park in San Diego is a lovely setting for portraits. I recommend that you go early in the morning before swarms of sweaty, overweight tourists arrive to obstruct the picturesque backgrounds. Onna Metcalf has a shy demeanor that had me assuming she'd be unable to pull off risky shots in public. Onna is quiet and generally keeps her emotions to herself, but one thing she is not is risk-averse. Let's all take this Monday, lay it on its back, pull its Amazon Essentials panties to the side, and remind it who is boss.
Happy Thanksgiving, guys. Here's a supplemental set of Vonnie to yesterday's update. You'll get one last visit from her before my time is done. Now go get that gravy.
You wanna bring peace to Europe, but can you bring peace to your life? Can you put down your phone long enough to play outside with your children for an hour? Can you cancel the business trip to Costa Rica and stay home with your family instead? Do you have the internal strength to resist Armando, your secret lover, and his warm embrace? The wife knows. She must know. Liberate yourself from the slave chains of deceit and suck Truth's dick like tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Stella Barry is stunning. Thanks, Anthony. But maybe next time cool it with the playgrounds.
I really enjoyed Middlesex. The novel follows one family across different eras and under some of the strangest circumstances. The topics of incest and hermaphroditism could have easily been used to shock the reader. And although their explorations are shocking, I am ultimately drawn in by the human and historical aspects of the narrative. I really hate to agree with Oprah on this one, but it is a great book. Minka Giertz is also pretty great. There will be more of her soon.
Horniest legs admired up the skirts
Welcome Sammy Loble to Zishy. She is from Texas and has a tall, captivating figure. You probably wouldn't notice it in person though since it is nearly impossible to pull attention away from her eyes. Fortunately, I am a trained professional who will not be deterred by a gorgeous face. None of Sammy's features were overlooked in this update. But if you think they were, tell me, and I will make sure to tend to those areas more in our next encounter. Stay inspired.
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Back in the old days, humans used to torture the hell out of each other. They utilized physical pain to break the spirits of their enemies, instill fear, gain obedience, etc. Important shit. In most of the modern world, we now think calling someone a hurtful name on the internet is violence. In fact, the mere mentioning of certain words can have you excommunicated. People now live each day in fear of either being offended or offending someone who is hyper-sensitive. I say bring back the spikes. Ivanna Ershova has a few torture devices of her own.
Is it me or have you noticed that only nutty people make claims that they have been gaslighted? Beware of anyone making such accusations. Here is Chaney Gunn taking me on a hike at dusk near her home in Texas. There was not much available light, but I discovered that not much light is needed to show the undeniable beauty of Chaney. The glasses and red lumberjack pattern remind me of Terry Richardson. Come back, Terry
Legs opened for sexy upskirt view
This is Luisa Medrano, photographed in Colombia by our newest contributor, Viky. Luisa was very timid about taking these sorts of photos but then she realized that nothing really matters, the only time is now and that tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone, even Mohammed bin Salman. Luisa reminds me a lot of one of the previous Zishy models, hbu? Stay grateful.
Upskirt erotica spied in the city
Sylvia Belotti is the type of woman that I hope young men I see in the gym locker room have as a girlfriend or fuckbuddy. These dorks flex in the mirror, search for the perfect angles, snapping multiple images with their iPhones, all without a hint of shame. I really hope someone like Sylvia is on the receiving end of these pics. Otherwise, it looks super gay. And that's a big turnoff for me.
Part 2 has arrived of this exquisite woman photographed by Max. The war continues and is disgusting to me when viewed from any angle--the exact opposite of how I feel about Lana Lane. Shit is gonna get better, I think. And if it doesn't, then that means today is the best day of the rest of our lives. Enjoy it. See you in 2024.
It has been over a year since I posted the debut set of Rowan Emerson. The verdict is in. I am an asshole. It is purely unintentional though. I am not trying to be the Amazon warehouse of softcore smut. I like to prioritize attention to detail over pumping out as much and as fast as I possibly can. Thank you all for bearing with my family-owned operation. Truth be told, I've had some large corporations offer to buy me out, but I know they'd undoubtedly fuck it up. Stay small. z
Here are more adventures from Spain with Madeline Escobar. It took a minute for me to get used to the accepted nudity at the beach, but once I did, I realized how fucked up the rest of the world is. Thank you for the perspective, Barcelona. One more update of Madeline in your future if you stay tuned to Elon Musk's favorite internet site, Zishy.
As promised, here is part two. There will be more of my fantastic neighbor in the future. Hope you are having a greta day.
Once again, Zishy provides a backstage pass to Korinne Peterjik's college life. Here we are fighting the clock before her dormmate returns from class. The lighting was a challenge, I tried every configuration available to me. Finally, Korinne said screw it and opened the blinds wide on her only window. A few students passed by but were mostly clueless to the fun taking place within. Poor bastards were probably hurrying along to their safe spaces. Video to follow.
Tonight on Disney After Dark, our photographer takes Princess Sofi out for an adventurous spot of tea. The weather is cold but Sofi Levchenko is daring and eager to enchant. After meaningless chat, she leads us back to her apartment where Sofi removes her coat, boots, and everything underneath. She has an elegant figure only matched by her alluring face. Some fairy tales are real.
Aurora Zvezda wanted to do some shopping and immediately I thought of Buffalo Exchange in Santa Monica. They buy select used clothes from the public and sell them back at reasonable prices. They also don't seem to mind if you're an attractive female wearing a fairly transparent sweater with nothing underneath. I purchased Aurora a short skirt and top and we decided to put them to use at a local drugstore, commando-style. It didn't take long for the Walgreens' employees to get suspicious. We made our purchase and went back to Aurora's to enjoy some of the Devil's cabbage. But remember, good people don't use marijuana.
This segment of our show is brought to you by Dollar General. They meet all your essential grocery needs at any one of their 16,000 locations. Need vegetables? Corn chips, aisle eight. No teeth? No problem. Soak those crispy veggies in your favorite energy drink from aisle five. Been hitting the gym for that summer bod? Stock up on protein from the canned meat selection in aisle six. I had to drive out to the sticks for Luna Fey, but she is worth it. Fuck speed traps though.
Even though you ate psilocybin today, you are of perfectly sound mind. Zishy is just this damn good. Yes, you can afford it. What else can you buy for ten bucks these days? A bar of artisan soap? A small bag of keto-friendly granola? Fuck that noise. Women like Katie Darling are what you need. Yeah, we can't have them in real life, but we should at least be able to admire pretty pics of them. Ok, whatever. If you're not going to pay, at least follow me on Twitter or IG realzishy. Thanks. Nite.
Several of you have requested more of Ushna Malik. So, you're welcome. Only kidding. I am the one who is thankful. This young woman of Pakistani descent is a marvel to photograph. She was bold enough to invite me into her home even though she still lives with her parents. If you don't want to bore a girl like Ushna to death, you had better be ready to let the wildest side of your personality shine.
Happy Mother's Day, guys. Here is my finale with Ophelia Palentine. In many ways, she is a dream come true. I hope she is doing swell. I hope she is making progress on the social justice frontlines. I hope that the good guys win. I hope we all one day live under a BLM black flag with a colorful rainbow smack dab in the middle of it. I hope the radical opposition suffers dearly and is burnt to a crisp. We will finally live in peace and harmony. No borders. No taboos. Acceptance. Pure acceptance. And love. Ahhh, one can dream.
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Dabney Conrad is an exotic dancer AKA a stripper AKA a person who is pretty enough to make a living by showing her naked body. When I was a stripper, I did not make so much money. Actually, I made zero money. Actually, I almost got arrested, but let's not talk about those things. Dabney is a wonderful human being who has a lot of compassion for the oppressed. She is against factory farming and racism and any other form of injustice. She smiles a lot and gave me my first giant hug from a non-relative several months into the quarantine. I will always love her for that.
If I disappear, it might be because of the photos I took of Sylvia Belotti. Either her or her family has hired an Italian lawyer to come at me with serious legal threats. I have two things to say. One, I know Sylvia is cool as hell, or at least she was when I met her, so it must be someone else giving her shit for agreeing to this sort of modeling. Fuck them. If anyone devalues Sylvia for being a wild person with wild appetites, then it is their loss. They lose out on Sylvia. Two, I am not easily frightened. In fact, I am quite dumb. I live in Texas and go to massive public gatherings on summer holidays. That takes guts in 2022. Part two evench.
Quick update here. Power is out right now in the small town that I am staying in. Running off the reserves in my laptop battery and cell phone. Ooh and I'm about to go photograph that gymnastics teacher in a few minutes. We will see how that goes. Also, I will add a bonus video to this update once I get some juice. Have a good one. Entry2 I am back on the grid and the shoot was went splendidly. If you guys love her, half as much as your narrator, she will be a hit. G'night, amigos.
This is part one of our finale with Sara and Brandy. These two give us a candid glimpse into their close friendship. The friends that I would smoke with in college were never this close. We never partook in any naked tickle fights nor showed each other our pubic hair. I kinda wish we had such intimacy. Or at least they could have let me do that with their girlfriends. What a selfish bunch we were. I will upload part two tomorrow.
If Lina Telemann was competing in the New York Marathon, she would qualify for the Athena division which is reserved for large women runners. She stands over 6-feet tall and weighs more than your humble narrator. She is also impressively flexible, sports long lustrous blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. Although Lina is not interested in nude modeling, she is an exceptional addition to the Zishy roster. I wanna see her kick the shit out of Jake Paul. More to come.
We were in a crunch for time and Adriene Macedo's social anxiety started kicking in, so rather than assault customers at REI for staring at her, I proposed that we take pictures inside Adriene's car. She was down. Besides being beautiful. Adriene is an avid reader of outsider perspectives, like Graham Hancock. She is also big into conspiracy theories. For example, like that the Reagan administration sold weapons to Iran, or that there was a harmful virus in the polio vaccine, or that there weren't actually any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. What a kook. But still, look into it.
She is a really nice person and I am a very lucky photographer. Aurora Morgenrote is daring and beautiful. I will have a hard time topping this trip to Italy. I hope Europe bounces back stronger than ever after the pandemic. Stay hopeful, friends.
Tomorrow, I will bring you part two of this morning's photos. Claudia Veneza is one of the women that the others try to resemble with filters and wonky angles, as they contort their less-picturesque bodies on Instagram. Drugs like this demand a slow drip.
Sometimes all you need is a little sun and a few hits of cannabis to turn your day around. That is what I witnessed here with Soledad Lomas. Now I certainly do not advocate a daily dependence on any substance. That would be evil. That would be Starbucks. Rather, I believe it is important to reach 100 health regularly without any chemical assistance. But every now and then, we must take matters into our own hands. We must fight against the emotional muck that life has dealt us and defeat darkness with any tool at our disposal. Soledad truly does shine when the clouds part.
Alejandra Cobos is a young woman with an astonishingly beautiful face. She is from my hometown of El Paso. I was visiting family members there over the holidays and decided to look for some kindred spirits in this Texas border town. Well, Feliz Navidad Mr. Venice. Santa delivered and then some. Alejandra seems shy at first, but it doesn't take much to get her going. And once she does, good luck keeping up. ¿Quieres más? No problemo.
I used to record the annual Sports Illustrated swimsuit program that they would air on primetime network TV. Those were the good ol' VCR days of my youth. Now, the young kids have it so easy. Nicole Ross brought with her two great, ultra-nothing bikinis. She made me photograph her in both of them, and then without either. It was torture I really need to learn how to say no.
When you ask a woman if she is hungry and she says, a little, then you better get some food quick! The answer is never a simple, yes. It is usually something like, mother fucker why didn't you get me food when I said I was hungry?, referring to when she said a little. More of my profound insight and more of the extra-tasty Vonnie Bean to come. Shout-out to Bianchi's in Tucson. Bye Bye.
Athena Heart is the type of person who jumps at the opportunity to smoke some herb on a Monday morning and take dirty photos. For that reason alone, she is on my Awesome list. Athena is proud of her current figure. She says she used to be quite a bit heavier and led an unhealthy lifestyle. Good for her, although I still would have enjoyed photographing her at the previous weight. Stay honest.
The world around me might be in ruins, but there are some things that will never cease in bringing me joy. One of those things is taking a spectacular woman like Oxana Chic out for an adventurous stroll in an eyepopping outfit. She is a pure delight in so many ways. Another joy of mine is watching actors pretend that they are flying jets and reading lines that someone else wrote for them. I do need a strong edible though for the latter. Have a nice weekend. A bonus video will be posted to this update soon.
I know you are not the type of person that would sniff a sweaty bicycle seat just because a wonder like Ileana Burgos had ridden it. I am very impressed by your civilized nature. You are only here at Zishy for the art, the experience, the adventure. It has nothing to do with these oft nude photos of emotional, hydrodynamic creatures that we call women. I applaud you, sir. You are a person of distinguished taste. Now I want you to read these words every morning until they are true. Talk soon.
Spying between the legs up skirts
I had to bring you something fantastic and green on this 420. Here is a beautiful first-timer who is feeling the economic sanctions aimed to punish her outcast nation. Now, I know some of you are gonna give me shit for featuring someone from Russia. So be it. These women aren't in a position to end tyranny. And I will not pass up a find like Stacy Antropova. She is photographed here by our talented contributormodel, Victoria Minina. Maybe you are from a country that is faultless and has never decided to initiate war, but I am American and hence no stranger to that. Plus, I don't know shit. I make smut. Peace.
Part 2 and the finale of Yeraz Gebeshian. I will add a bonus video to this page shortly. Yeraz has an eccentric personality. She is one of those weirdos who make art. I mean, c'mon. Like the world needs more nonsense to collect. I think that was whole idea behind NFTs--remove the physical storage aspect of art ownership. Less clutter. Less baggage. Only problem was that every asshole who knew how to upload a gif became an 'artist' and subsequently began hyping their project. Hell, even I joined in. Oh wait, I guess that makes me an artistweirdoasshole too! Time to update my business cards.
Upskirt collection with gals showing panty
As promised, here's a little more of the amazing Dallas Mills!